Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blessed By The Now

For as long as I can remember I’ve gotten my best ideas or solutions to problems while in the shower. I never realized until recently why that happened, but after learning to Anchor myself in the present moment I realized that when I am in the shower I am always anchored.

I love water. I love to swim. I love to feel warm water running over my hands from the faucet. I love walking in the rain. I love standing in the shower and feeling the water hit my back. I love the sound of it hitting the tile and shower door. I love putting my face in the stream of water and feeling the warmth. In short, what I realized is that I love the shower so much that while I am in there I am always in the present—feeling, hearing, tasting, smelling, and watching it all happen. Without realizing what I was doing, I was very much Anchored every time I entered the shower and in that state I was receptive to promptings, guidance, and insights that are always available in the present.

Besides that, there is always joy and happiness in the present moment. All we need to do is Anchor ourselves and let it seep in.


  1. I have never felt that way in the shower. I could never understand people that said while I was in the shower this morning I had a wonderful thought, etc. I guess I have never thought about being anchored in the shower. I think mine is somewhere else. I am going to concentrate this week and try and figure out where I anchor myself.

  2. I love water anywhere it calms me and "anchors" me.

  3. Laresa, You probably day dream in the shower so that you are someplace else! Let me where you Anchor!

  4. Connie, So do I. I think fire does the same thing for other people. Sitting in front of a fireplace watching the flames Anchors some.

  5. That is it I like fires. I love FIRES. I could sit in front of a fire forever.

  6. Laresa, Are you Anchored in front of a fire, or daydreaming?
