Sunday, April 26, 2009

Learning Patience!

The night before my craniotomy last December, I was given a beautiful blessing in which I was told that I would eventually be made completely whole but that I needed to be patient. Four or five times in that blessing I was reminded that patience was very important. So after the surgery when the healing seemed so fast and miraculous, I was puzzled. Many times the thought went through my head, “Why was I admonished to be patient? This took very little patience.” And then a gnawing feeling that the ordeal wasn’t really over would spread through me. Well, now I know why I was told to be patient! As a matter of fact, I am learning all kinds of lessons about patience.

I’ve never been good about patience. Growing up I always searched and found my Christmas presents before Christmas. (I hope Mom doesn’t read this!) In Primary when they had us plant seed of "faith" in a cup and take them home to watch them grow, I'd dig them up every day to see if they were growing. (Needless to say, they didn't!) I loved to read, but I’d make it to about the middle of a novel and then impatiently turn to the end of the book to see what was going to happen. (That ruined the rest of the read.) I’d force a situation by jumping to conclusions too soon or trying to manipulate events. (That over anxiousness always caused more problems than I want to recount.) In short, I’ve never been good about waiting which I now realize is really that I’ve never been good about letting God unfold events in His time. I also now realize that letting God unfold events in His time is what it means to trust Him.

I used to think believing in Christ was the same as trusting Him. But I now know differently. Everything happens for a reason, and by trying to force or manipulate life myself I was refusing to trust. I thought I knew better than God what was best for me! So this time I am determined to be patient. Grizelda is with me again for a reason, and whatever the reason it is important for my growth and development. So my greatest concern right now is that I learn the lessons God wants me to learn. He knows what I need and He loves me. Whatever happens is for my best good. I just need to be patient and trust in Him.


  1. Sister Sherrie, I had no idea Grizelda had come back! I am so sorry, but you amaze me with your optimism and faith! I have so much to learn from you. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of you and your situation. You are greatly loved by so many, including me.

  2. Sandra, Thank you so much. The combined prayers of many availeth much and I appreciate it so much. Thanks for the kind words!

  3. Sherrie, I'll keep you in my prayers too! Take good care of yourself and let us know if there is anything any of us can do for you! Wendy

  4. Wendy, Thank you so much. Your care and concern means so much to me. xoxo

  5. Patience is a virtue.
    10 ¶ Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
    I'm so sorry to learn of the tumors return. However, I have no doubt what so ever that the blessing you received prior to your first surgery stands and you can claim it. You were blessed to have Patience. You have it. You were blessed to made whole and you will be whole. Our love and prayers are sent to you and your family. Blessings to my dear patient, virtuous friend.
    RaNae Bangerter

  6. RaNae, Thank you so much! We have been friends for a lifetime and your love and prayers mean a lot to me.

  7. I had read about Grizelda just before I headed to Orem. And unfortunately my kids came down with bad colds and I couldn't get internet access to get your phone numbers that Carl had given me. I so wanted to see you, but I figured it was best to not share what my kids have. You are in my prayers. I'll be back in July and I will for sure track you down!

  8. Jenny, It would have been so good to see you, but we were out of town anyway so we wouldn't have been here. For sure we will see you in July! Thanks so much for the prayers!
