Friday, April 24, 2009

My Visit With the Radiologist

I just returned home from the consultation with the radiologist, Dr. Reilly. What I have in my left orbit according to the pathology report is a cavernous hemangioma. These are not uncommon in the brain, but are very uncommon in the orbit. In and of themselves they are usually quite harmless. It is only when they appear in certain positions that they are a problem, and Grizelda is in the worst possible position.

There are a few mysteries here. One is that a hemangioma isn’t supposed to grow, but Grizelda seems to be growing. There are also a few problems here. Radiologists have discovered that when they treat a cavernous hemangioma in the brain with the cyberknife, it causes more harm than good. So they either remove them surgically or leave them alone. Dr. Reilly looked in the radiology journals and could find no precedent for a cavernous hemangioma in the orbit and so he is unsure what to do. He is now going to contact some other doctors who use the cyberknife and see if any of them has dealt with this type of situation before. After consulting with them, we will make a decision whether to go ahead and try the cyberknife or whether we will need to go in surgically again. If they have to go in surgically it will be more invasive than last time.

This is beginning to sound like a soap opera, isn’t it! Stay tuned! Sometime next week we hope to have some answers! In the meantime, keep praying for me. I know that prayers work! Thanks to you all for your love and concern. It really helps at a time like this!


  1. Mom keep praying for you and thinking about you. I was just wondering what a cyberknife was. I have so many questions now after your post. I am sure you had so many questions for the Dr. that they didn't even know the answer. Frustrating. I know how you love answers. Love ya'

  2. Laresa, You are right. I've got a zillion unanswered questions about now. But I'm still at peace!

  3. Thanks for the update mom. I'm sure it's frustrating not knowing what's next. See ya soon!! I can't wait.

  4. Oh Sister Johnson-
    How a non-growing tumor can grow so very fast would be funny if it weren't so frightening. I love you. I'll come visit you soon and give you a hug and see your new hair, ok?
    Lots of love.

  5. Thank you for the update. I am so sorry! I am grateful that you feel such a peace when there are so many uncertainties! I love you and am praying for you. Thank you for the posts and thank you for all the "good news".

  6. Sherrie,

    You don't know me. I was a friend of Mariah's in high school. I think that I may have met you once. Anyway, I reconnected with Mariah through facebook awhile back and linked to her blog from there. I had been going through some trials with my health at the time and was feeling pretty low. I found Mariah's blog to be so inspiring and helpful that I have been following it ever since.

    Anyway...she linked to your blog and so I decided to take a peek. It is easy to see where Mariah gets her talent for seeing the good in everything and inspiring others. I've been reading and pondering on things that you have written and you truly are an inspiration. These things are things that I needed in my life right now.

    In fact, when I sat down at the computer, my intent was to prepare a talk that I am giving in Sacrament meeting this Sunday. Oddly enough, or maybe not so oddly, the topic I'm speaking on is adversity. What a great example you are of someone who has experienced adversity in their life and figured out how to conquer it. I was wondering if you would mind if I shared some of your insights in my talk? They tie in so nicely with what I've prepared. You have phrased so eloquently many thoughts that I've had, but could just not express.

    I hope your treatment with this round will be as smooth and successful as the last round. You will be in my prayers.

    Thank you for sharing your life and its lessons.

  7. Sherrie, Thanks for posting updates for your friends and family. I will check back in a few days to learn the latest. I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Paula

  8. Anissa, Thank you so much. You are wonderful!

  9. Amy, Are you home? I'd love a visit and yes I need to laugh about non-growing tumors that grow or anything else! I can't wait to see you!

  10. Meleah, Thank you. The "Good News" is that He is there to help! What more could I ask for? I love you!

  11. Catherine, I've been out of town and didn't have Internet access until now, but I would be honored to have you use anything I have on here. Thank you also for your kind words of comfort. Any friend of Mariah's is a friend of mine!

  12. Paula, Thank you for your concern. You are a wonderful friend!
