Saturday, April 4, 2009

On Their Shoulders. . .

What I wrote yesterday, made me think of others who have impacted my life. I realized that It isn’t just the people I’ve associated with and met in my life that have influenced me. There are many who I never have known that gave me so much. I am a sixth generation Mormon on every line of my family except one and on that one I am a seventh generation Mormon. My ancestors were driven out of Nauvoo. They gave up homes; lost family members to death from sickness and persecution. They walked barefoot across the plains so that their posterity, me, could have a place to live our religion without persecution. I’ve read many of their stories and heard how they suffered starvation, cold, and hardship.

Remembering what so many have gone through so that I could live my religion in this wonderful place, makes me so grateful. Someday I’ll meet them and be able to thank them. In the meantime all I can do is try my best to carry on the heritage they so magnificently gave me. I am so blessed because of them.


  1. For some reason, reading your post gave me the chills. Maybe it's because it is conference and the spirit it brings, I don't know. Anyway, lately I have thought alot about our ancestors and all their sacrifices and wonder what they would think about the state of things. I think some things would be disturbing to them as they are to us, but I hope they would be pleased at the growth of the church around the world and the dedication to spreading and sharing the gospel that many of their descendants have made. We are so blessed to be their descendants, I hope they are pleased to be our ancestors. I think it will be a joyful day when we have the opportunity to meet them and thank them.
    Cathie Totten

  2. Cathie, It will be a wonderful day, won't it? I can only imagine how wonderful!

  3. I love doing family history work and feel very strongly about my ancestors and the amazing pioneers. I too can't wait for the day I can meet them again - I just need to do my part to be worthy to share the same heaven with them, (and my part is mostly learning to let Christ lead me along).
