Friday, April 3, 2009

Where Would I Be Without Them?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the many people who have influenced my life for good. As I’ve thought about it, I've realized that very few of them have even an inkling as to how much they have influenced me. Some taught me much from afar. I didn’t even interact with them, but I saw what they did and how happy it made them and so I wanted those same things.

Other people actually taught me. One man in particular would answer my gospel questions any time I called him. But even he doesn’t know how very much he taught me or how much that teaching and his example and wisdom have meant to me. Others have loved me when I didn’t deserve to be loved—several Young Women leaders fall into this category. Some befriended me and despite all my faults have been there when I needed them.

I am who I am because of many, many people who have loved, guided, directed, taught, and patiently put up with me. I am so very grateful for all of those people. Hopefully someday I’ll be able to thank them in some adequate way. Until then I'll carry thoughts of them around in my heart, because words will never be enough to thank them.


  1. Sherrie, I am so thankful for you. When I moved to WB, I was fed spiritual manna at our weekly gospel discussions. When I was growing up in Montana, I felt that I was missing some truths concerning the gospel. Our scripture class was just the beginning. Thanks alot!

  2. Wow, I feel very much the same way about so many people who have touched my life, helped me become better, and inspired me. And you're one of them. I just love this inspiring blog of yours. :)

  3. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about this topic. What a wonderful post. It just goes to show that you never know what difference we will make in someone elses life.

  4. DeRae, Thank you so much. I learned so much from our scripture class also. I miss all of you!

  5. Wendi,Thank you. It is amazing to count up all the many people who have touched our lives!

  6. Laresa, It really is amazing. You never know who is watching you!

  7. What you say is so true. There are so many around us to help us and guide us if we just look and listen. What a wonderful gift, and of course, I doubt you realize how many people feel that way about you. You are a willing friend and teacher to anyone who comes your way and you will, I am sure, be blessed for your many acts of kindness, listening and teaching. I have always felt lucky to know you and have your friendship. You are, as they say, a diamond.
    Cathie Totten

  8. Cathie, Thank you, but it is you example of courage in the face of adversity that is an encouragement to all of us! You are wonderful!!!

  9. I feel the same way about a lot of people who have come in and out of my life. It's amazing the impact that people can have in your life, and how they always seem to show up/call, etc. exactly when you need it the most.
    -Alyssa :)

  10. Alyssa, Yes!! The interesting thing at my age is also to discover that some of them show up every five or ten years. It is so strange, but definitely Someone is orchestrating it all!
