After my trip to the gardens, I finally heard from the radiologist. He has only heard from one other doctor, a doctor in Germany whose advice was to use surgery. Since the other doctors haven’t responded to the Internet call for help, the radiologist is going to call them and ask them for an opinion. So we are waiting still.
Patience. I am learning Patience. I must need lots of patience!
Thank you for the updates. I wanted you to know the other night Jeremy was praying for you, he said "Please bless Nana that she doesn't get cancered". I thought that was so cute! There is nothing that brings me more joy then when a child prays.
Laresa, Tell Jeremy thank you! That is so cute. Thanks for sharing it.
I hope you'll continue to find joy in the beauty of the earth and the other good things around you as you wait... Hopefully all your practice in anchoring will come in handy now! :)
Wendi, It is very handy! And I am more and more convinced of the power that comes from Anchoring!
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