Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm Radiated!

Today was the last of the radiation treatments! Now we just wait (months!) to see if Grizelda is gone. It has been an interesting experience, and I appreciate so much all of your prayers and love and concern. It means a lot to me.

My hair is growing back. I won't lose any more hair. I get to keep my cage as a reminder of this experience. Things should only get better from here on out! What more could I want!

Thank you everyone!


  1. Oh, you look gorgeous and quite radiant. I love you.

  2. Dear Sherrie, How do you manage to look so gorgeous in a cage?? You're amazing!!! So glad the radiation is over & you can move on...again!! Thanks for your wonderful visit!! I'm hanging in there & SO GRATEFUL to be a Grandma!!! You are an inspiration!!!!
    Love, Debbie

  3. Yay, so glad to hear your done! Hopefully forever! I personally hated the waiting, and the not knowing, so hopefully you will be able to not think about it to much. By the way, I think your short hair looks great!! I love it. Also I would love your book, Spiritually Centered Motherhood. I'll send you an e-mail...Jenn

  4. Wow! You look beautiful in that picture. Congratulations on surviving this experience. My lesson went well, by the way. Thanks for the prayers.

  5. Wendi, Why thank you! My husband is getting very good at photography! I knew your lesson would go well!!!

  6. Amy, I'm now right up there with Wilbur! However, instead of a spider, it was a radiologist that made me radiant! Thank you.

  7. Debbie, Congratulations on your new status as grandma! I hope you leg is healing well. You looked so good the other night. I hope all continues to heal fast!!!

  8. Jenn, Thank you. I know I'm going to be learning a lot more about the Truth Tools as I apply them to the patiently waiting. How is your daughter doing after her surgery?

  9. I was at Relief Society on Fast Sunday, watching you from afar with my daughter-in-law Tracy Larson. It was a blessing to include you in my fast that day. Happy you connected with Heidi, and grateful your radiation is finished. Thanks for your sweet personal note I received in the mail today. You are amazing. I read your blog every day, looking forward to the spiritual lift I receive. Thanks.

  10. Oh my gosh, who is that beautiful woman? She is very radiant! I love this picture of you. Grizelda can't compete and has left the premisis forever!

    I think you will have to write a new book just to use this as the photo of the famous author!

    Keeping you in my prayers. God bless! I love reading your blog every day also! Wendy (The Texans)

  11. Sherrie, I am so happy you are doing well and can look forward to Grizelda really leaving the building this time. I still love your short hairdo, it fits your energetic and fun personality. I believe happy days are ahead and I look forward to you being able to enjoy each and every one of them. Carl really does take a great picture of a beautiful subject. I agree it should be on the cover of your next book. xoxoxo

  12. You look beautiful Sis. Johnson! We are all praying for you!

  13. Julie, Thank you so much for the kind words. I just wish you had spoken to me Sunday! You are wonderful.

  14. Wendy, My husband is a magician with the camera. He is a professional photographer and can make anything look good. I just benefit from his talents. But thanks for the kind words! And thanks for stopping by daily.

  15. Cathy, Thanks --again!!! You are always so kind. I hope you are still doing all right!

  16. Mari, Thank you so much for the compliment and for the prayers. I'll be praying that your stress fracture doesn't hinder your dance efforts. God bless you!
