Monday, May 25, 2009


Today is Memorial Day, a time many people honor their ancestors who have passed on. In is also the birthday of my father who passed away two years ago. Between the two days, I’ve been thinking about Dad a lot today.

Growing up I idolized my dad. Because of him I love to read. Most of all it was from him I gained my love for the scriptures.

I have a lot of memories that are flooding back today. Whenever we went anyplace in the car at night, I’d fall asleep and when we got home Dad would gently gather me in his strong arms and carry me to my bed and tuck me in. I loved it! Dad would always listen when I was sad and he always had a story to illustrate his points. When I needed encouragement, he’d leave just the right book on my bed for me to read.

One day while I was in college, he had business in Provo and stopped by to see me. I opened the door in my old, worn robe. “Don’t you have anything better than that?” he asked. When I told him I didn’t, he took me downtown and bought me a new robe.

I could go on, but you get the point. I love my dad and miss him. He was the kind of person my post yesterday was about. He lifted and encouraged anyone who came in contact with him—especially me.


  1. Sherrie, your Dad really was the type of person you wrote about yesterday. He was a person that captured everyone's attention when he walked in a room with his genuine friendship and great sense of humor, he won everyone over. I only knew him as your Dad and the mayor and a grownup in the ward. Even after the ward split and we ended up in the first ward, I still was very aware of his presence. He was bigger than life for so many reasons. The best part is you are so much his daughter. You can talk about serious life-affecting subjects and turn right around and tell a story or make a comment that leaves us in stitches. You are thoughtful and fun and smart and devoted, what wonderful traits those are. I'm sure your Dad is pleased to see what you have done with the things he has taught you. I'm sure he is on one of those chariots of fire on the other side who rush to rescue you in your time of need. What a legacy for you to have and pass to your own family and friends. oxoxoxo

  2. Cathie, At 6'3", Dad was bigger than life! I could always find him in a crowd! You are always so kind. Thank you so much. I hope Dad is pleased and I do need the chariot rushing to help me more often that I'd like!

  3. What a nice tribute. It seems that you have inherited many good characteristics from him. :)

  4. Wendi, I hope I inherited something from him.

  5. What a nice tribute to your Dad and to Grandpa. It brought tears to my eyes, sniff, sniff, tissue please. Love ya!

  6. Just yesterday as our family was driving out of the beautiful North Carolina Mountains, I asked my boys if they knew what today was. I told them it was my Grandpa's birthday. They love yogurt Grandpa.I am glad that I have great memories with him too.
