Sunday, May 24, 2009

You Do Make A Difference!

Have you ever walked into a room and from all appearances the people in the room are happy but you feel a tension or negative energy and just know that they were arguing or upset with each other before you came in? Or have you been around people that after they leave you feel like they’ve somehow sapped all the energy out of you?

The opposite can happen also. Have you ever walked into a room and been bathed in warmth and light? Or have you been around people that after they leave you feel lifted and encouraged not by what they said but just by being in their presence?

We sometimes don’t stop to realize the effect others have on us or the effect we have on others. Therefore, when we read, “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another” (Romans 14:19), we tend to think that we need some extraordinary talent in order to edify others. But we all give off either a positive or a negative "energy" that others can feel. That means that just by being we influence others, and when we choose to live in Truth that influence will be edifying. We can make a difference! Our positive attitudes and feelings help us, but they also encourage others.


  1. Thanks for being such an uplifting influence on me. And, by the way, I slept great last night. Thanks, Laresa and Sherrie! :)

  2. I look forward to reading your blogs because they leave me uplifted and energized, ready to face my challenges! Thank you for sharing all of your insights and struggles with an Internet community.


  3. Wendi, I'm so glad you slept well! Did you Anchor or try something else? Keep it up!!!

  4. Emily, It is so good to hear from you! Thanks so much for the kind words. I hope all is going well for you. Have you graduated or are you still in school? Thanks again. You helped make my day!

  5. I anchored by listening to my breathing but I also repeated the temple ceremony in my mind.

  6. Wow - we are totally tapped into the same energy - I hadn't found your blog through a friend until tonight - - but earlier this morning I posted a similar thing on my blog ( My friend read my post and then sent me to your blog saying I'd enjoy it - - Well of course I am enjoying it - We are kindred spirits!! Nice to meet you!

  7. Chrystal, I read you blog and we are indeed kindred spirits! So nice! Thanks for stopping by!
