Friday, May 22, 2009

No Worries!

At one point during the Sermon on the Mount the Savior tells the people, “Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?” (Matthew 6:25). At first reading this seems strange. Aren’t we supposed to plan ahead? What about storing food in case of emergency? How does what the Savior say go with that?

The answer is once more found in the Greek. The word translated thought in this verse is merimnao which means, “to be anxious; to be troubled with cares.” The Savior isn’t instructing us not to plan. Instead the Savior is teaching us not to worry. If we are keeping the commandments and doing what we are instructed to do, we have no need to worry or fret about the future.

That is part of what it means to live in Truth. We don’t have to worry or fear. When we live in Truth, we deal with what is presently in front of us and leave the rest in God’s hands. We aren’t anxious. We aren’t troubled with cares. Instead we trust that God will lead us to the things we need to do and the experiences we need to have when they are supposed to happen.


  1. My June Ensign came today...did you see the wonderful article on Hope? Don't miss it. It fits right in with the whole idea of living in truth!

  2. Martha, I have read it yet, but I'll go get it now. Thanks for telling me about it!

  3. I think I need to practice this concept some more. I have a tendency to worry a lot--especially at night when I'm trying to fall asleep and I'm not able to DO anything about the things that I'm thinking about. Thanks for the good reminder! :)

  4. I think you were speaking to me when you wrote this one. I feel like so many things are happening in my life right now but I need to not be anxious and just let the Lord guide me. My husband said to be yesterday "
    Where another door closes and other one opens". But I want to know what is behind that other door now. But like your post I need to not be troubled and just live with what is presently in front of me.
    By the Wendi, I have trouble sleeping too. When I live in truth and practice some of these principles it is amazing how much sleep I get. Maybe that is for another post.

  5. Wendi, One of the best Truth Tools for getting to sleep is Anchoring. It clears your mind and relaxes you so that you can sleep. Try it and let me know how it works.

  6. Laresa, It is true when the Lord closes one door, He opens another and it usually opens to something a lot more wonderful than the door that just closed!

  7. Beck, Thank you! It's always nice to have you stop by!
