Thursday, May 21, 2009

When Others Disappoint Us

One of the things that keeps us from living in Truth and one of the most difficult things to deal with in life is when other people disappoint us. We want our children to do well in school. We want our neighbors to be honest with us. We want to be able to trust the people we do business with. But everyone has their own agency and sometimes they make mistakes intentionally deceive and those things can be very disappointing or even painful for us.

It is at these times that we have to remember that the Savior loves those who are disappointing us just as He loves us. It is also helpful to remember that we accomplish nothing by letting ourselves get upset or angry or by seeking revenge in these situations. Our negative feelings don't change the situation. They don't heal anything. All negative feelings do is make us miserable. All they do is increase our pain. And that pain is UNNECESSARY pain because we don’t have to feel it. We bring it upon ourselves by our thinking. If instead of fretting, getting angry or hurt we think about the Savior and know that we can leave all the worry, anger, and hurt with Him, we can live in peace. And peace is a much better place to live in!


  1. It's as if you wrote this just for me. I didn't realize that this is what I needed to read until just now, when I read it. This is precisely what I needed to hear today. Thanks! It's funny how you usually stumble upon exactly what you need at the exact moment you need it whether you know you need it or not. I'm happy to hear that things are going well with you! And I can't wait to see y'all!!! :)

  2. Alyssa, I'm glad it's what you needed! Thanks for the kind remarks and I'll see you soon!

  3. Thank you so much for your inspiring words. I love to read them. They always uplift me and encourage me to be better and make the necessary changes I need to make to live peacefully. :o) It's a day by day process for sure. :o)

  4. Bernice, It is so good to hear from you!! I hope all is going well with you.
    It is a process and recognizing that helps us do it. Too many people beat themselves up because they think they should already be perfect!

  5. Yes I believe this- hard to do. Thank you for the insight, reminder and direction towards self mastery- I am often inspired by you. kim davis

  6. Kim, It is easier to do than we think. The Truth Tools can help us! Thanks for your kind words! Hope all is going well with you! xoxoxo
