Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So Far So Good!

I went to the ophthalmologist Monday and my eye sight is very good. At this point there is no damage to the optical nerve from the radiation that we know of, and every day that passes makes it more and more unlikely that there will be any. I am still very, very tired, but I’m functioning and I’m stronger than last week. That’s good! Each day gets a little better.

The doctors told me they have to wait 3 to 6 months to do the follow-up MRI to see if Grizelda is gone, but the pressure in my head is so much less that I know something is happening already.

In short, things are looking good. I appreciate so much your faith and prayers. I couldn’t go through all this without you! I’ve learned that in the past I’ve grossly underestimated the power I have to influence the outcome for someone else. I’ve sometimes found myself thinking, “Oh, I’m just one little person. What difference can I make?” or “What can my one prayer do?” I promise you I will never think such thoughts again. I’ve FELT your prayers and been sustained by your faith. And I know that each and every prayer added to that sustaining power. There is an amazing synergy when lots of people pray for the same thing.

It seems so inadequate. All I can say is thank you! Thank you so much and keep praying. I’ll be praying for you, also!


  1. Hang in there Sherrie! Glad to hear you're getting stronger every day and that the pressure in your head is better. I was wondering how long it would be before you would know of Grizelda's demise! The articles on your grand children have made me smile also! Kids are terrific!

    I'm in Ohio for my nieces wedding and my nephew's high school graduation.

    Wendy/Texans (Ohio transplant!)

  2. Dear Sherrie, Thanks for sharing the GOOD NEWS!!! Hang in there!!!
    Love, Debbie

  3. Wendy, Thank you for all your prayers and concern! You are every bit as wonderful as Ferg told me you were! I do hope you have fun in Ohio. xoxo

  4. Debbie, Thank you. I hope you are feeling better!

  5. I really appreciate your prayers, Sherrie. And I'll keep praying for you too. :)

  6. You are so optimistic. We are praying for you.

  7. Kim, How nice to hear from you. I've been watching Kaden grow on your blog. He is so cute! Enjoy! And thanks for the prayers. They mean a lot to me.
