Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Medicine

Last night my grandson, Eli, came to visit while his parents went to a meeting. I’ve been so very fatigued all week and barely able to function that I’ve found myself constantly reaching for a Truth Tool to help lift and sustain me.

When Eli came I went out on the patio and rested while I watched and listened to him and his Pops play Indiana Jones. The first thing Eli wants when he comes here is his Jones hat. My husband has two such hats and he dons one and Eli wears the other. Once the hats were on the imagining started and there were snake hunts, wrestling with the bad guys, tiptoeing through spider infestations, and every other peril you can think of. But with Eli peril is never a negative experience. It is a wondrous adventure where laughter prevails and delight rules.

I have never in my life had such wonderful medicine! Eli’s laughter was infectious and I can’t even count how many times I laughed right out loud just from hearing him laugh. I smiled for hours as I watched him and was startled by the healing and strengthening power it brought me. If it weren’t for their unpredictability, I’d say the best thing we could do for cancer patients in a cancer ward is let five year olds run loose! It was the best I’ve felt all week. When he was exhausted, we made s'mores over the fire, then cuddled up on the lounge to watch the stars and he fell asleep beside me. It was the perfect evening!

To be honest, the power of his laughter has surprised me. I can still feel it working its healing magic inside of me. If you are hurting, go where there are children and listen to them laugh. A child’s laughter is medicine to the soul.


  1. Sherrie, It sounds like I need a few 5 year olds (smile) sounded like a perfect evening!! Just reading about it made me smile!! I HAVE TO ADMIT THAT JUST SITTING & holding River is pretty good medicine, too!! So sorry you're so tired!!! Hope it passes quickly!!
    Love, Debbie

  2. I love how laughter can do that. It can definitely turn your day around. My high school band director would always tell us that even if you're having a bad day, you can trick your brain into being happy if you smile. It really does work. :)

  3. You are so right. Such a beautiful story. I,too, have found such healing in the company of delightful children whose smiles and love lift pain, fatigue and any number of life's burdens. Thank you for sharing and I hope your side effects leave very soon.

  4. I also love the contagious laughter and imagination of children. And I always have such a good time when I take pictures and video clips of my one-year-old nephew, Henry. He cracks me up and is such a ham for the camera! I especially appreciate the unconditional love that children bring when they cuddle with you at night. :) I hope you'll have more good medicine like this in the future. :)

  5. Glad that you have River to brighten your days. Hope you get your energy back soon.

  6. Debbie, I hope you are getting stronger and that you are able to enjoy that new grandson! xoxo

  7. Alyssa, It does work! Isn't it amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing you this week! Can't wait!!!

  8. Cathie, Thank you. Yesterday was a lot better so I'm hoping today will be even better and I'll just keep getting stronger! One day at a time, right?

  9. Wendi, That unconditional love is amazing. How the world would change if we could spread it around!

  10. Cilla, The energy is slowly coming. I just need to be more patient. Thanks for leaving a comment! I love comments.

  11. This reminds me of the movie Monsters Inc. Where in the end they find children's laughter the most powerful of all energy sources. :)

  12. Megan, I've never seen that movie, but you've made me want to watch it. I believe the premise!
