Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yearning For Hot Milk Toast

For me, one of the interesting things about passing through these health challenges is how much it makes we yearn for the days when I was little. In those days when I was sick, Mother made everything better. I don’t know what your mother did—all mother’s do their own thing—but mine would make me a bowl of hot bread and milk. To this day, I love the sight, the smell, and the taste of hot milk toast. I can close my eyes and smell the sweet savor. I can see the pieces of toasted bread bobbing as Mom puts the tray in front of me. I can see the swirls of gold from little dabs of butter melting atop the milk. And on top of it all, float tiny specks of salt and pepper. I loved the hot bread and milk. It soothed. It nurtured. It healed. And as I struggle to be strong again, I find myself wanting to be the little girl—the one whose mother brought healing comfort in the form of hot milk toast.

This yearning made me think of something else. We often discuss the reasons God lets us pass through adversity in this life. It makes us strong. It teaches us to depend on Him. It is necessary for our eternal progression. It lets us serve others. It lets others serve us. It teaches us patience and faith. All those are good reasons, but today I think one of the most important reasons God lets us experience adversity in mortality is so that we’ll be homesick for Him.


  1. I appreciate you sharing this. There were several good comments made during my lesson last Sunday about how the Lord comforts us as we struggle through persecution and adversity like the Pioneers did. I hope you are able to feel that comfort as you continue to heal and get back to 100% Sherrie strength. :)

  2. I am reminded of what Francis Webster (of the Martin Handcart Company) said about the trials and suffering that he experienced: "The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a priviledge to pay..." When we are suffering in any capacity, we can choose to either come to know Christ better through it, or wander further away. Thank you for being such a great example of how to draw near to Christ through our trials!

  3. Wendi, I am so glad that your lesson went well, but then I knew it would.

  4. Anita, It is so true. Suffering really does bring us closer to Christ if we let it!

  5. My mother gave me hot milk toast as a child as well. My husband thinks it is weird to eat soggy bread, but it brings back wonderful memories for me as well. I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one with a mom who served milk toast to sick kids.
    Laura Gordon

  6. Thank you so much Sis. Johnson! That's exactly what I needed today. Love always.

  7. Laura, I'm so glad someone else knows about milk toast! As you know, it isn't about soggy bread; it's about love!

  8. Mari, I'm glad it helped! Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a great week!
