Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grizelda Be Gone!

Today is the day! At 1:30 p.m. They will do the MRI to see if Grizelda has been eradicated. I won’t get the results until Monday at 1:00 when I meet with the doctor. It is a strange feeling to know that there has been a tumor—an intruder—in my head that I hope is gone, but I don’t know for sure. And it’s even stranger to think that if Grizelda is still there she could affect the entire rest of my life, and yet I can’t see her or know what she is doing. That probably sounds weird to you, but I have been blessed with an incredible peace, so I’m not worried or stressed by Grizelda; I’m only curious. (As you know, I have an overactive imagination and things like this do send me to wondering.)

I am grateful for the peace. It has been an extraordinary blessing that has given me the beautiful assurance that whatever they find today, God is in charge and He will take care of me. I don’t need to worry. So I’m going to enjoy the music of the MRI machine and have myself an adventure today! I’ll let you know how it goes!


  1. As always I am praying for you. Thank you for your many inspiring posts. Even though I don't comment often I learn so much from your wisdom and testimony.

  2. Good luck today! I'm glad you've been blessed with a feeling of peace. :)

  3. I hope everything goes great today and that the results on Monday are exactly what you want to hear! I'm praying for you :)

  4. Good luck today Mom! We will be thinking and praying for you!

  5. Good luck today Sherrie! I'm anticipating and praying to see a picture without Grizelda!

  6. We'll be praying for you. I love you Mom!!!

  7. Sherrie we are praying for you & hoping to hear the news we're all hoping for!! Our Love to you!!

  8. Cathy, It was so good to hear from you! Thank you so much. But you are the angel who has always inspired me!
