Friday, August 14, 2009

Gifts For A Bad Day

Last night just over Cascade Mountain I saw the most beautiful rainbow I’ve ever seen. It made a full 180 degree arch and in front of it was a paler replica—a double rainbow! Besides being a full rainbow that arched from earth up and around and back down to touch the earth again, this rainbow had a full spectrum of bright colors blending from one to the other—seven of them! It was amazing.

It was also an incredible gift before a day when everything has gone wrong. You’ve all had those days—a $600 unexpected car repair job, my computer wouldn’t work and I spent all day talking with computer support people trying to get it fixed when I should have been working on the seven lectures I need to have ready for Education Week next week. I have a houseful of company coming Monday to stay for education week, and my husband’s office party is here tomorrow night.

BUT. . .all day long as I’d start to feel stressed, I’d think about that beautiful rainbow and be grateful I’d seen it. I’d close my eyes and see it again. The computer still isn’t fixed. The house isn’t ready for the party or guests, but I’ve got a rainbow in my head and I’m feeling good. I wish I'd learned not to stress about things like this years ago. It never did any good.And besides that my stressing caused me to miss something important. It absolutely amazes me how the Lord takes care of us—even before we know there is something that needs to be taken care of!


  1. There is a saying that goes "Life is what happens on the way to acheiving your goals". When I was younger I always saw them as obstacles or crisises(?) or gremlins making life difficult at every turn. As I've gotten older (and more decrepid) I have been pleasantly surprised to find many of those same things helped me understand, overcome and grow in ways I didn't think possible. We can enjoy rich blessings, survive heartbreak and accept life situations that we never thought we could and underneath it all, be happy. I think that is what true joy is all about, and I am forever grateful for a Heavenly Father who leads us, often kicking and screaming, through the process. Looking back I find myself realizing those same "problems" would leave my life very empty if they had not occurred. I'm sure your dinner guests will be delighted to see you and everyone at Education Week just feels blessed you can even be there to share your insights and leave them feeling uplifted in a way only you can do.

  2. I opened the door and saw that double rainbow on Thursday night as well. I ran to get my camera and called the kids to come see it. Rainbows are the best thing about rain, in my opinion. :) Hope you get your computer fixed soon!

  3. i wish i saw that rainbow. it's been a long week. but i'll think of the beautiful image that you described.thank you for this post.

  4. I think those rainbows are "I Love You" gifts from Heavenly Father! Last summer I saw one like that (the double rainbow, too!) at a time that my husband was looking for work, I had just had a baby, and I trying hard not to second-guess the Lord and be bitter. Then I saw the rainbow... and I knew. Heavenly Father *knew* what I was going through and he loved me and it was going to be okay. And it was better than okay. I just had to be patient and wait for his timing. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Cathie, Thanks again for your words of wisdom. The dinner went well--even the weather finally cooperated.

  6. Wendi, It was beautiful. I'm glad you saw it and that you got some pictures of it.

  7. DeAnna, It's so good to hear from you again! I hope next week isn't as long for you! :)

  8. Anita, I like how you call these "I Love You" gifts! That sums it up. Thanks for adding your story. That is wonderful.
