Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reflecting on Life!

I was awakened this morning by a phone call from my five-year old grandson who lives in Africa. I answered rather groggily and heard, “Hi, Nana, this is Nick. I just want to say three words to you.”

“What words?” I asked.

“I miss you.”

That will get me through the rest of the day!

I kept asking him questions because they just arrived in Africa last week and he kept answering, “I’ll tell you that later. I only had three words to tell you today.” Finally, however, he did answer the question, “What is most different about Africa?” He said, “It isn’t in the United States.”

I guess I’ll have to wait for the rest of my answers, because he’d said his three words worth! But oh, what wonderful three words. I miss him, too.

If you had asked me twenty years ago to predict the rest of my life, I would have told you that I’d be living near my nine children and their families doing grandma things. But seven of the nine children live far, far away and only two are here in Utah. Of the 29 grandchildren only two are in Utah. I enjoy them a lot, but it just isn’t what I expected. I keep busy so I can’t think about it. But it has made me wonder if anyone’s life turns out exactly the way they expect?

Instead of spending my younger years planning life, I should have spent more time learning how to hang on for the ride!


  1. Thank you for those comments that I needed today. I keep thinking about this since my youngest is starting kindergarten Monday. It can't be possible. Is this where I wanted my life to be right now? What will my life be like in the next 20 years? Maybe I shouldn't ask those questions and just enjoy the ride Monday!

  2. Nope, I don't think anyone's life turns out the way they expect it will. In many ways, mine has turned out much better than I expected, though. :)

  3. I agree! Live for me is completely different then I EVER planned! I too wish I had spent more time learning how to hang on for the ride!

    At least the scenery doesn't get boring!

  4. I never thought in my life I would ever step foot in Africa!! But here I stand!! I think I am here for a fun ride and for the many things to learn!!! I love you mom!!! We really need to get use to the time difference..

  5. as usual, great advice! thanks! if I only held that candlestick a little tighter LOL
    (just had to toss in a little humor)

  6. Laresa, You're right. Quit thinking about it and enjoy the ride! I love you!

  7. Wendi, I'm not sure mine is better or worse--just different. I'm certainly happy yours is better!

  8. Megan, It is interesting what we learn along the way, isn't it? That hanging on is a more important skill that I once realized!

  9. Patrea, Your life is definitely not what you could ever have imagined. And to think it started right there in my classroom!

  10. Connie, Thanks for the laugh! I needed that!
