Saturday, October 31, 2009

Book Winners!

I love giving away books! A big thank you to all who entered. I've had so much fun, I'll do this again soon.

Now for this weeks winners. The lucky numbers drawn from my once-a-chocolate-box are #11 and #41. #11 belongs to M&M Embley. # 41 is Marti. If you will both send me your addresses via my email (smillsjo at gmail dot com) I will send out the books. Just let me know what you think of it after you've read it! If you lke the book tell everyone you know about it. If you don't like the book just keep it a secret! Congratulations!

To everyone--remember to make it a happy day. But then what else can it be with all those excited children running around in cute costumes. Enjoy!


  1. O I loved your last little comment here. I had to stop and relish the moment after having walked the neighborhood. My body is tired but my heart is happy; for the joy in my children's lives... and the sugar induced play time right before bed!

  2. Sara, Wasn't it fun!!! Such delight in their faces.

  3. Thank you, I'm excited to read it. I'll have my mom come by and pick it up, she's coming out here on Wednesday. ~Megan Golightly

  4. Halloween is one of my very favorite holidays! I love that people, young and old, get to create and be expressive! I just realized that Elder Uchtdorf has encouraged creativity and expression of our talents. The joy that 'creating and expressing'bring to our lives can be carried over past the holiday!
