Sunday, November 1, 2009

Join Me In A Month of Thanks Giving

It's November! Yeah! Happy Thanksgiving month.

Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday. I love getting together with family and having a special meal together. I especially like the lingering around the table afterward and talking and laughing together. I won't have all my children here this year, but some of them are coming!

I'm also going to try something new this year. Each day this month I am going to concentrate on one thing I am very grateful for. I'm going to decide what that thing will be the night before and then each morning I'm going to say first thing (before I'm even out of bed!) I thank Thee for ______ . And the rest of the day I'm going to think about how grateful I am for that specific thing.

For today, I am thankful for life--for the opportunity to grow and experience. I'm grateful to be!

Anyone want to commit to a Month of Thanks Giving with me? If so leave a comment with the first thing you are thankful for. Then on Thanksgiving day we will share not more of what we are grateful for, but what we experienced by filling our month with gratitude. I hope you all will leave a comment. The whole world is better when people are grateful! Let's fill the world around us with gratitude.


  1. I am grateful for a beautiful fall day.Crisp and clear and sunny!!

  2. I am grateful for my sisters in the gospel. I have SO SO many!!!

  3. I am grateful for the opportunity to Fast with a purpose.

  4. i am thankful that my recent surgery was a success!! who needs a gall bladder anyway!! ;) The Lord really does watch over us and love us!

  5. I am grateful for you. Your love and skill in writing and your preparation in learning and living and teaching the gospel has blessed my life.

  6. I am so grateful for the fact that Heavenly Father puts blessings into my life everyday to bring me joy and to show me his hand in all things! I am grateful that each day I can see that He loves me and will meet my needs.

  7. I am grateful for an amazing mother that taught me so much! I love you mom!

  8. I am grateful for work. For the sense of accomplishment it gives me. And for the sanity it gives me. When I am idle, I tend to go a bit nuts!

  9. Thank you, Sherrie! We had decided as a family to do this ourselves this month.

    I am grateful for trials (aka learning experiences) that teach us of God's mercy and love.

  10. Yes, Mom I commit to a month of Thanksgiving. What a great idea! How are you?

  11. I am grateful for 5 wonderful, healthy, perfect children. And I'm grateful for your wonderful idea. I need to focus more on gratitude, rather than all the negatives my sleep-deprived brain comes up with!

  12. I am grateful for Fall. As I drove around today and I saw all the beautiful fall leaves. In just reminded me of what a beautiful world we live in. And I am so happy I stopped to think about it as I drove around running from one thing to the next.

  13. I am grateful for prayer. I don't know what I would do without it. Thank you Sis. Johnson this is a wonderful idea. Love, TeLene

    p.s. did you get my email?

  14. My mom and I quilt together every Monday. And every Monday I am so thankful for the opportunity to do that! I look forward to it all week, every week. :)

  15. I'm thankful for many many material blessings that make my life very easy, for example, a good vacuum, dishwasher, warm home, garage door opener, cell phone, car with a good heater, and the list goes on and on. Roma

  16. I am grateful for a wonderful husband and beautiful children. And I am grateful for a loving extended family, as well. (Thanks for providing a chance for me to think about my blessings).

  17. I must say I am most thankful for my family and the gospel in my life.

  18. I'm grateful for the example of my 93-year-old mother-in-law -- outside weeding, sweeping, and generally cleaning up our yard!

  19. I am grateful for all those people who made the cross-references in our scriptures. It sure makes scripture study so much easier!

  20. I am grateful for finally having my family intact with no threat of deployment or a move looming in the near future. The peace that brings to my heart is unmeasurable!

  21. I am thankful for my Mother and Father who taught their children the Gospel and the love of our Savior and his tender mercy.

  22. Hi Sherrie. I just saw your Month of Thanksgiving. I had decided to do somewhat the same thing. Starting the first day of November, every morning I update my facebook status with something I'm thankful for and then reflect on that day.

    Its a great opportunity to stop and evaluate all that is good around us.
