Thursday, October 8, 2009

Getting Better

Hurray! The cancer spots are disappearing. The silver-dollar size scab on my cheek and the quarter size scab on my lip are healing very well. What an amazing experience to get up each morning and see the progress—slow but sure. It has made me think a lot about the processes of growth and healing that are part of life. It is an absolute miracle how it all happens. Just think; I have done nothing except keep the site clean, and yet each day I watch the wound disappearing and healthy skin beginning to show through. Soon there will be nothing left of the ugly sore.

It makes me realize that I should relax and trust in God more. Without my help He is changing this ugly lesion into smooth, healed skin. If He can do that surely He can also heal and guide the rest of my life if I submit myself to Him instead of trying to do it all myself. He wants to help me. He wants to heal me. It is me that sometimes gets in the way of that help and healing.


  1. Wishing you continued improvement!
    I visit frequently and am always inspired...have just been "quiet"

  2. several bloggers are posting "pink thoughts" every Thursday in October for Breast Cancer Awareness. It has been very much on my mind and I am participating as well.

  3. I'm glad to read that your sores are healing. Our bodies really are miraculous creations of Heavenly Father. With how many things COULD go wrong, it's amazing that most of us are so healthy much of the time. When healing needs to take place, the Lord can and does work miracles. I believe that as well. Thanks for sharing your positive feelings about this. :)

  4. We are so blessed. May you continue to heal, as you lift our spirits. Heidi's blog is We continue to pray for her and for you. You are a light in the world.

  5. Connie, Thanks for the kind words and for the info on "pink thoughts." I hadn't heard of that.

  6. Wendi, It is amazing to think about, isn't it? The fact that it turns out all right most of the time is nothing short of miracle.

  7. Julie, Thanks for the info and for the prayers!

  8. I am happy you are doing better. What a beautiful analogy of repentance!
