Friday, October 9, 2009


Old Screwtape works in rotten ways, his malice to perform! After waking up the other morning feeling like heaven was at my door, I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been sucking lemons all night. And I don't understand why! Is there emotional pollution in the air? Is some dark phantom lurking around bedrooms spreading gloom?

It’s now almost nine o’clock, I’ve been out walking, and in working, and feel a little better but still haven’t completely shaken the negative feelings. Who knows what happens or why! I was fine when I went to bed last night, but I woke up grouchy, ornery, and spitting fire. (Maybe the Tooth Fairy got bored last night and dusted my pillow with ornery powder!) So, it’s time to call on my arsenal of Truth Tools. I'm going to be hammering and sawing away today! I’ll use a few tools (I already know it’s going to take more than one this morning!) and let you know what happens. In the meantime, keep me laughing.

P.S. I hope you all woke up feeling happy and cheerful and pleasant today! (But then again that's not quite true. When I'm out of sorts, I want everyone else to be out of sorts, too!)

P.P.S. Are you laughing? Just writing this is making me laugh! Truth Tool Humor to the rescue. This is going to be an interesting day.


  1. Boy, I've had a few of those days lately! It's actually comforting to me to know you have them on occasion too. Although I hope things improve for you quickly. Good luck with the Truth Tools. :)

  2. I totally know how those days go! Sometimes I'm ornery and I have no clue why. Then I think about it, and the more I think about it I can't help but laugh at my own ridiculousness for being angry over absolutely nothing!

  3. I've had those days too, and sometimes they're confusing since there doesn't seem to be a reason. Maybe today is the fallout from crashing a rocket into the moon in search of water. If it makes you feel any better, I got up today and was very grouchy. I took two steps in my barefeet and stepped in a very squishy, cold hairball left by my "beloved?" old cat. To top it off, he was just laying at the foot of the bed with a, I promise, big, ole smile on his face. I cleaned it up, forgave him, but decided I will wait until lunch before I face food. I feel better now, just by complaining about it. Go ahead and complain too, there is something calming about it. I'm not sure if there is a place for that in the Truth Tools, but realizing the truth that my cat is old and can't help it wasn't quite enough. Thanks for the post and i hope this lovely fall day will become more pleasant for you.:-)

  4. Wendy, Truth Tools work. I'm getting there fast. I think I'll take a nap and start the day over! :)

  5. Alyssa, That's the Tool that is working today, laughter! It is powerful medicine, isn't it?

  6. Cathie, Thanks for sharing your story! It brought a smile to my lips! That is some cat. Have a great day.

  7. Dear Sherrie, I'm so sorry you had a "bad" day...but, it did make me feel better that even you have the rare down day!!!! Hope all is feeling better!!!
    Love, Debbie

  8. I thought it was the nasty air I have been breathing here that makes me wake up that way...I love you mom..I really hope you feel better!!
