Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank Goodness for New Days!

Already today is a better day. I’m still not sure what happened yesterday. When I was younger it used to happen all the time. Yesterday made me remember that. But I don’t wake to the feelings much anymore so I was surprised yesterday when I woke up with that choking sensation negative feelings create.

Just writing about it made me feel better. It made me see and feel how silly it all was to be feeling bad about absolutely nothing, and by the time I finished writing I was laughing at myself. That felt food. But after a while the feelings returned. Then I Anchored myself. That worked, too—for awhile. I then used the Tool Gratitude and began counting all the wonderful things in my life. That worked—for awhile. The Truth Tool that finally worked for good was Distraction. My dear husband lugged my sewing machine upstairs and I made quilt squares—four Morning Star squares and three Four Patch squares. (I just had a wild thought—if I have enough bad days, I’ll soon have a beautiful quilt!)

I don’t know why these funky days happen, (maybe it’s a test to see what we will do!) but some days are just down days. What we need to do is hang in there and keep fighting the feelings until they are gone. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. Keep on fighting! (This pep talk is for me. If it helps anyone else, that’s great. If not skip this last paragraph.) Much love to you all!


  1. Some days definitely are just down days. It helps to think of it as a test, or just to know it happens to others, not just me.

  2. I'm glad to hear that today is better. Thanks for the pep talk. Sometimes taking a nap and starting over is my best distraction. :)

  3. I love naps, too!! I think it is also good to remember, when we've done everything we can, that some things affect us because of medications we're on. The cream for your face may seem simple, but it is powerful and may have a bit of a side effect. Since we have to take the bad with the good and just get through it, distraction is probably the best tool there is. There is something that connects us as women to lovingly make things for our home and family. Even when we feel out of sorts some days, the big picture is still very positive.
    Cathie xoxoxo

  4. I have had those awful days that I can't figure out why I feel that way. When that happens I try and think of something I can do for somebody else. A few times I have went to visit someone, took flowers to someone, baked someone something. It is amazing how I felt afterwards. Still couldn't figure out why I felt that way but a different feeling overcame me.

  5. I guess without the down days we would not realize how wonderful the good days are! Your quilt reminds me of a difficult time in my life when I realized that something good can come from every 'bad' thing in our lives when we are willing to look for it.

  6. Martha, It is comforting to know we aren't the only ones these things happen to. Hope all is well with you!

  7. Wendi, I like the nap and starting over idea! Thanks.

  8. Cathie, Looking at the big picture is a good idea. It really helps if you can back up and see the whole! Thanks.

  9. Laresa, I like your idea of serving. That is a great Truth Tool. My problem the other day is that I didn't even want to put makeup on and be seen by anyone! I think selfishness was at the root of the problem and serving would have been a great solution!

  10. Cathy, That is so true. I don't think I would have appreciated the following day when I felt so much better if it hadn't been for the rotten day before. For some reason we need to experience the ups and the downs! Thanks.
