Thursday, November 19, 2009

Living the Simple Life

I have defined on this blog what it means to live in Truth. But just a quick review if you are new to Good News!. Living in Truth is living with reality, or as the scriptures say “Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come” (D&C 93:24). I’ve been teaching the four Living in Truth workshops again and I’ve discovered that this definition is difficult for some people to comprehend maybe because it is so simple. When someone does something to you, for example, someone declines an invitation to your dinner party without telling you why they aren’t coming that is the truth of the matter—simply they declined. Any supposition as to why they can’t or don’t want to come is not part of the truth. All you need to deal with is that they are not coming. If you start trying to deal with why they aren’t coming you move into the Pit of Illusion and if the story you invent is negative you create unnecessary pain for yourself.

The verse that follows our scriptural definition of truth says, “And whatsoever is more or less than this is the spirit of that wicked one who was a liar from the beginning.” In other words, when we let our minds wander into thoughts such as “She should have told me why she couldn’t come,” or “She thinks she’s too good to come to my dinner party,” or “She doesn’t like me,” or “She wants to be with other friends that night,” or “She should be more considerate,” you are thinking “more or less” than the truth—and you know where that comes from.

One more example, you haven’t made your bed yet today. The simple truth is that the bed is not made. If you start think, “I am so lazy,” or “I am a terrible person,” or “My mother would be so disappointed in me now,” you are not dealing with truth.

When we stick strictly to the verity or reality of what occurs—the facts—we stick to the truth and that is all we have to deal with. The woman isn’t coming to our party. Our bed is not made. Now you’ve identified the Truth of the situation, you have two options, (1) fix it, or (2) live with it. You can’t really fix the dinner guest problem, but it is no biggy to live with it. Just set less plates at your dinner table! And the unmade bed? Make it or live with it unmade. Anything more or less than these solutions will only fill you with miserable, unnecessary pain.

Living in Truth is simple living.

picture: “The Unmade Bed, Palazetto da Schio, Venice” by Jackie Simmonds


  1. I got my book today! I LOVE it THANK YOU! We read it for devotional with my daughter that I homeschool. You are AMAZING!

  2. So when you say "Live with it",is that like saying "Move on". That is what I am thinking about when I try to live in truth. Am I missing the point?

  3. Thanks for these good examples. I have dealt with both of these recently, and I can see I still need some improvement. Thanks for the positive words about truth!

  4. the examples you gave are great...thanks for breaking it down to everyday life! you're awesome! :)

  5. So well said! I love it when you break it down in such a common sense way, because it makes it easier to figure what to do when we are in a situation where it is easy to stray from the truth of that situation. I also wish my unmade bed looked as nice as the one in your picture. I could live with that one pretty well!

  6. This is a perfect follow-up post about Living in Truth and you explained it so well. I especially love the example of the un-made bed. :)

    Laresa, I think "moving on" is a good synonym for "living with it" because you are not allowing it to make you feel "stuck" or make you feel any unnecessary pain. You are moving on and living your life in Truth--you accept the reality of the situation (period) and you don't let it bother you. You move on happily. :) Is that right, Sherrie?

    Also, I really appreciate this week's words of encouragement and affirmation on your sidebar. Your uplifting words are a blessing in my life. :)

    P.S. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to attend your Living in Truth workshop after all. Believe me, I am there in Spirit! And I really try to apply everything you've written about it on the blog and in your book. These principles have really helped me! :)

  7. AnnMarie, Thank you! I loved writing those children's books. Enjoy!

  8. Laresa, You've got the point. You just deal with the situation without adding a lot of baggage (unnecessary pain) to the situation.

  9. Jenny, We all need improvement! That's what life is all about. We just keep trying and learning and trying some more!

  10. Cathie, It is a pretty picture, isn't it. I liked it. And thanks for the kind words.

  11. Wendi, I'm sorry you didn't make it to the class, also. I was looking forward to seeing you again. Hang in there!
