Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Making Life More Fun

Part of the joy that comes from living in Truth is learning to make moments memorable and fun. Remember happiness is a choice and when we look for opportunities to make happiness happen, we find happiness in the most unusual places.

We made some fun during Halloween at our Halloween dinner. My very talented grandson made the centerpiece, a "brain" on a silver platter. (Really a small watermelon!) Then we had mummies, vampire eyes, fondue in a pumpkin, and I won't even tell you what we called the spinach balls.

The table was decked out in black garbage sacks with gummy worms and spiders crawling around. In short, it was a delightful dinner that we are still chuckling over!


  1. Looks like you had a great time! I love Halloween and all the fun activities with children. It's a day where imagination and creativeness equal so much fun.

  2. Sooo much fun, looks a lot like our Halloween table! Love it! Talk about fun, I'll have to tell you about my experience in nursery on Sunday, life is short, life is to be enjoyed, gotta have fun!

  3. Thank you for your great example of creating more joy in our lives! Thank you for sharing your haircutting party story with us!

  4. I am so inspired by your wonderful blog. Thanks Sherrie!

    One question: What is the fondue in the pumpkin?

  5. O I am going to have to remember those mummies. I tried to make cheesy garlic bread mummies with olive eyes... they were not so edible with too much garlic!

  6. Muffin, It is made right in the pumpkin. You clean out the pumpkin, layer breadcrumbs, Swiss and Mozarella cheeses and pour a mixture made with half and half over it and bake it for two hours. It was wonderful! If you'd like the mixture recipe email me and I'll find it for you.

  7. Sara, The mummies were fun. You are supposed to put eyes on them with drops of mustard, but everything took longer than I had planned and so we skipped the eyes.
