Monday, November 9, 2009

Taking a Leap of Faith

Stepping out of our comfort zones to do something new and different is often difficult. Giving a talk in church, teaching a Sunday School lesson, asking someone for forgiveness, or trying to comfort someone who has experienced tragedy can be daunting experiences. The feelings must be similar to the feelings of skydiving for the first time. The moment before the jump is filled with anxiety and fear and doubt. But once the diver has taken that first leap and is soaring through the air the anxiety is replaced with exhilaration and excitement.

Stepping out of our comfort zones is a lot the same way. The fear and anxiety exist, but once we have made the choice to step forward and do what we need to do the Spirit is there to help us and the exhilaration and excitement come. When we let go of the fear and trust God to lead us we can do whatever is required of us and have a good time doing it.

As the writer of Proverbs says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding” (3:5). Fear is part of the Natural Man and never comes from God. When we let go of fear and trust in Him, His love and peace and joy replace the fear and are enabled to do “all things through Christ which strengtheneth [us]” (Philip. 4:13).


  1. This is a good reminder. I love those verses in your last paragraph. :)

  2. You are such an inspiration and comfort to me on the days when I need it the most, Sherri! I just gave you an award on my blog. I know you may not "play along" with these, but I wanted to let people know how much I enjoy your daily thoughts. Check it out for more details:

  3. Wendi, thank you! I hope you are feeling better!

  4. Anita, That is so sweet of you. I don't "play along" as you put it,but still appreciate the honor. You are so kind and it was fun seeing your family on your blog! So cute!

  5. Thanks again Sherrie it is just what I needed!

  6. Barb, Thank you. It's always nice to know it fits a need!

  7. Funny that you should write about this now, because I was asked to speak in Stake Conference this weekend. That is definitely WAY out of my comfort zone. But I am learning and growing so much, just preparing for my talk, that I know that I will be helped and strengthened as I give my talk too!

  8. Jenny, You will do a fantastic job. Let me know how it goes and enjoy the journey out of the zone!
