Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rejoice in the Process

There are a lot of lessons to learn from the creation account we find in Genesis. But one of the most important to me is how God teaches us the concept of process. Life is meant to be a process-not an incident.

In the beginning God organized the world by doing one thing at a time. When He was finished separating the water from the land, He didn’t sit down and cry about how He didn’t have plants or animals or a finished world yet. He stepped back, enjoyed the work of the day, and said, “It is good.” He rejoiced in what He had accomplished.

There is a lot we have to learn from this. Instead of going to bed each night frustrated over what didn’t get accomplished or upset at ourselves for things we said or did wrong, or feeling like there is still so much growth we need to make that we will never be the person we want to be, we need to make it a practice to each night look at what went right that day, what we accomplished, what we learned and rejoice in the growth. Often the very days when we did or said things wrong are our best learning days. Instead of fretting over what went wrong, we should concentrate on the lessons and rejoice in them.

Like God, we need to see the progress in each day, then step back and rejoice because, “It is good."


  1. I really needed this post. Thanks for the reminder. I also appreciated This Week's Affirmation and Words of Encouragement.

  2. Sometimes we spend so much time trying to figure the way to do something, when actually just stepping out and doing it is the most beneficial. I, too, have learned so much from my many mistakes, because in the end we learn so much and improve our skills. I often think we would do better if we didn't worry so much about being perfect, but instead remembered practice makes perfect.

  3. Cathie, You are so right. I like President Kimball's advice, "Just do it!"

  4. Years ago I was overwhelmed as a young mother when my husband sat me down to make a list of "all the good things I had accomplished in the last three months." The list surprised me. I had been focusing on all that I didn't get done and overlooking the many important things the Lord had allowed, even helped, me to do. Pausing to rejoice it that which is good seems to lift us to a higher readiness for the next endeavor. As always, the Lord's way is the best way. Thanks for this timely reminder.

  5. this post just made me start crying. i've been struggling alot lately and needed this reminder. thank you!
