Monday, December 28, 2009


A new year and a new decade is approaching. For years I always made new resolutions as part of my celebration. Like most people I didn’t keep all of them, but I find that when striving for a goal even if I don’t keep it all the time I do better than if I have no goal at all. But last year D1 introduced me to something that I really enjoyed doing and so I thought I’d pass the idea along to you.

Instead of goals or resolutions last year I choose one word to define my year: positive. All year long I repeated the word and thought about being positive and finding the positive in any situation or in other people. The surprising thing was to watch how one word made such a difference in my life. I’d start to feel discouraged or sad at something that was happening and then I’d catch myself and simply say, “Positive, Sherrie, positive,” and the feelings would change and I’d start to see things differently; I’d see the good instead of the bad. It never felt oppressive or burdensome like goals sometimes do. I never had that, “I have to do this” feeling.

This year I had trouble deciding between the words simplify and rejuvenate. I finally choose rejuvenate. I want to rejuvenate old friendships, present friendships, my Church calling, my teaching, my prayers, my faith, my health, my life—everything! Whatever I’m doing I’m going to put more enthusiasm and effort into it and see how I can do it a little better. I’ll let you know how it goes.

If any of you want to pick a word and make a "word resolution" leave a comment here about the word you have chosen. That way we can get ideas from each other and besides that committing to something in writing always makes the commitment stronger. We'll help each other keep our commitments!

Happy new word!


  1. Oh, Mom that is so cool! My word for 2009 was 'wisdom' and each month I chose a word to go with wisdom. Wisdom in love, wisdom in fasting, wisdom in prayer, etc.. I concentrated on that for the month. My word for 2010 is 'knowing'. And for January I have picked, 'Knowing that I am A child of God'.

  2. Choosing one simple word to remember and do throughout the year is a Great idea. Thank you! Good word, rejuvenate!

    My word is, relationship! So, each month it could be a relationship with a particular loved one, the Savior, co-workers, serving in my calling with, etc.

  3. After reading "Our Perfect Example", "What Have I Done For Someone Today?" and "The Love of God", I have decided my word for the year will be love. (very much baed off of how you spoke of it in your recent blog post- about replacing frustration, fear, anger, or anything else with love.)

  4. That is funny. I was just thinking about what word I was going to pick the other day. I think my word will be "grateful". I think it has helped me so much to just ponder one word. Also it is amazing how it guides your thinking and behavior. I remember when my word was "perservance". I learned lots of things about myself that year.

  5. Motivate. my self, my husband, my family, my friends, and my employees. hope you don't mind if i pass this idea along to some of my friends. - i absolutly love it.

  6. Talena, I like that! That is one of the things I like best about the "word commitment" concept. You can adapt it so easily to what works best for you.

  7. Christy, I think relationships is a great word. I'll have to remember that one for next year.

  8. Emily, Thanks for leaving a comment and I can't think of a better word. Just saying the word each day will bring joy. Let me know how it goes!

  9. Laresa, I like your word, also. Thanks for putting me on to this one word resolution. It really works!

  10. Deanne, I like your word also. It has so many facets that can enrich your year and the people around you. And I would feel honored to have you pass along the idea. It is amazing how it really works.

  11. I think my word will be "joy". I've struggled a lot with emotional illness over the last few years. I want to focus on the joy that is found in family life, focusing on spiritual things, and just the simple pleasures in every day living. :)

  12. Wendi, Joy is a marvelous resolution word. Like love just saying it makes you feel the emotion! I'm cheering for you.

  13. Humble, kind, charity, gentle-narrowed to 4 :). I think it will be 'humble' this year. I am so excited to try this! And, I will want to study this principle in order to incorporate it more fully.

  14. patience.

    it's beckoning to a catalyst for developing christ-like attritubes.

    happy 2010!

  15. Create. This word has a positive appeal to me, but when I think of it in context of what Heavenly Father creates, it humbles me...and I realize how in creating anything good, I must have His help through it all. With Him, I hope to create many wonderful things this year.

  16. okay, i finally decided on love. thanks for this great idea...i'm actually excited about it!

  17. Dani, Studying the principle besides letting it motivate you is a great idea. Thanks for adding that and good luck!

  18. Amber, Patience is a great word for the year. Let me know how it goes. I'm betting you are going to have some fantastic experiences with this one.

  19. Martha, I love how you have modified create to be creating good. That word will encourage absolutely everything you are doing through the day. Great choice! Let me know how it goes!

  20. 5L's, Another great choice, love! If everything you do through the day is underscored with love it will empower you. I like this one. Let me know how it goes!

  21. Sherrie,
    I love your word for the year idea. We read your blog for FHE and each chose a word:
    Me: Joy, Carl: Uplifting, D1: Courage, D2: Service, S1: Diligence, S2: Motivate, S3: Save (my 9 year old son is concerned about saving for his mission, he also decided that included building up his spiritual reserves), D3: helpful, Grandma: Commitment. And as my sister dropped by that night, I shared the idea with her and she chose "enjoy". Thanks for the idea! I need more doses of Sherrie to keep me living in the present!

  22. Christy, Thanks for sharing that. Doing this as a family is a great idea. You can help each other and reinforce each other's efforts. And thanks for the kind words!

  23. What a wonderful idea. My wonderful friends mentioned this to me. I've choosen Grace. I live by the grace of God, my life overflows with grace.
