Monday, January 25, 2010

Conveying Testimony

Yesterday the question came up in Relief Society about how our parents conveyed their testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ to us. It sent my mind whirling and has caused me to ponder a great deal. My testimony came from my father. I heard him bear a formal testimony often, but if I had only heard the words I’m not sure I would have believed like I do. Instead, it came from the things I saw him do.

One of the earliest memories I have of my father is when I was very young and he was riding to work with a man who had been an alcoholic and had gone through AA. Sober now, Seth was becoming interested in the gospel. As Dad drove back and forth to work with Seth, he talked with him about the gospel and was instrumental in bringing Seth back into Church activity. I remember Dad at the dinner table each night telling Mom what he had taught Seth during the commute. I remember Seth and his wife coming to our house. I remember Seth and Dad talking gospel in the halls of the Church. I remember Seth with tears in his eyes thanking my dad. I remember Mom telling Dad that Seth’s wife had told her how much she appreciated what Dad had done for her husband. Those were the things that impressed me.

Without words these experiences bore testimony to my young spirit that this was something very important to Dad. It witnessed to me that he loved the gospel. I knew that it was something that brought him so much joy he wanted to share it. The tone in his voice as he discussed gospel topics with Seth said more to me than words ever could. He didn’t have to tell me he knew the gospel was true; it was very evident in the excitement as he shared it.

I’ve never thought much about this until yesterday, but my testimony came to me because of Dad’s words but even more so because of the way he spent his time.


  1. I love your post because it is similar to the way I got my testimony along the way. I always listened to and appreciated the words, but found myself always more impressed by the actions and the passion behind them. I've always felt that it is far easier to learn and emulate from someone's actions, than just by the words of the person. Observing people in situations that I was not part of really had a huge impression on me. It reminds me that I also need to always make sure my actions clearly reflect what I say I believe. Thank you. Cathie

  2. People don't want to know how much you know, until they know how much you care.
