Sunday, January 24, 2010

Help Me Celebrate!

I’ve never been able to understand people who want to forget about birthdays. Getting older isn’t wonderful physically, but in so many other ways it is fantastic. Life is cumulative and over the years I’ve accumulated more family, more friends, more knowledge, more wisdom, more experience, and lots more love. That’s reason to celebrate! Life is wonderful and there is no way I’m going to mourn the passing of years. I’m going to rejoice in the accumulation!

In two weeks I’m having another birthday and I’m going to celebrate the whole month of February. I was due to be born the 29th—it was leap year. And I came three weeks early on the 5th so I figure the whole month is mine. And I’m not going to be shy about it.  I’m going to ask you all for a present—a specific present. I LOVE seeing the pictures on the left side of my blog of you followers. It’s warm and friendly and makes me feel loved. So for my birthday, if you haven’t already done it, go to the followers spot and click to be a follower so I can see you there every day. (I know you must think I’m crazy, but I do love seeing you all!) Invite your family, friends, neighbors, strangers—anyone you know who might want the Good News!  The more the merrier!

I’ll be doing a lot of other things this birthday month. Like I say I don’t understand people who brush over a birthday like it was poison. Life has enough adversity. Any possible reason to shout for joy and celebrate should be celebrated. After all,  the alternative to having this birthday is to be nailed into a box and buried deep in the ground. But I’m on top of the ground, breathing, loving, learning, singing, breathing. (I know I already said that, but at my age it is REALLY important!) I’ve accumulated one more year and everything attached to that year. That is reason to celebrate. So if you haven't already, sign on and help me celebrate.
I love you!

(P.S. The picutre is of D5 celebrating New Year's. If you think it isn't very nice of me to post such a picture, you should see the picture she posted of me on her blog!!!!) 


  1. Oh, how I love birthdays! Mine is next month as well (the 28th) so I too feel justified in celebrating the entire month. :) I also don't understand why people don't like birthdays. They are the best, and definite cause to celebrate!

  2. I have not visited you in such a long time...I even have your blog on my tool bar! I loved your post and I hope you have a wonderful month! And I love you too <3

  3. i think a month of celebrating sounds fabulous! enjoy! :)

  4. I love it that we celebrate the same birth month. :)

  5. Alyssa, When are you coming over? I haven't seen you in so long! We'll have to celebrate together.

  6. Karen, I've missed you! Don't be such a stranger. Hope all is going well with you!

  7. 5Ls, I'm going to think of something fantastic to do each week. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Wendi, I love it too! I just wish I were you age! Enjoy! (Got any fun plans?)

  9. Awesome. I love your outlook and attitude. (And, I think the photo is adorable.) Thanks for focusing on the Happy in Happy Birthday. We all should do just that.

  10. Susan, Happy is a choice! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. As you repeated in your class... you are on your way to the celestial kingdom....just one more reason to celebrate a birthday!

  12. As you know I am a huge fan of the BIRTHDAY MONTH :)
    and I too have trouble understanding why some people don't like them!

  13. Happy to find another fellow February baby! (My day's the 3rd) Sending birthday wishes......all month long! Love the idea!

  14. Connie, Of course I knew--you were the one who gave me the idea. I love it!

  15. SuSu, I'm glad to know you'll be celebrating with me. It is a great month for a birthday! It spices up the winter doldrums.
