Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let It Snow!

Last night at about 9:00 I looked outside and saw the most glorious sight: thick snow falling in huge flakes, the ground, roads, and sidewalks buried under pure white snow, and trees and bushes bowing reverently under the weight of fallen snow. There was so much white snow that it reflected street and house lights giving off a magical glow that suspended the world half-way between day and night. It was awe inspiring--one of those moments when you know there has to be a God in heaven.

I tried to take a picture, but there is no way film could capture the magic of the pristine scene. Last night Mother Nature kissed the world and left behind a fairyland.


  1. Got my book today. Thanks so much. Can't wait to start reading it tomorrow!

  2. I noticed how the sky was so bright last night from the reflection too. :)

  3. Hi there, someone recommended your blog, and I figured I would start reading it when i had more time. Well tonight was the night. Wow, I love love love your insights. They make so much sense to me. I'm going to pass this on to my children now. Which, by the way, they (3 so far) have graduated from BYU and never had you as their religion teacher. Crazy. Anyway, thank you for doing such a wonderful job of teaching through your blog also.

  4. Wendy, It was gorgeous. I just wish the pictures captured it.

  5. Joneel, Welcome! I love having new friends. Thank for leaving a comment, also. There are 70 full time and about 20 part-time professors in the religion department so it is no surprise I haven't had one of your children. Tell the rest to look for me!

  6. This is just one of the many things that I miss about living somewhere that enjoys real winter! Central Florida is wonderful too but we never see that beauty!
