Friday, January 8, 2010

The Orchestrated Life

Last night we heard the Utah Symphony play. I love the symphony, but besides the beauty of the Beethoven and Rachmaninoff pieces, I was struck with the amazing metaphor an orchestra is. Each instrument is very unique—English horns, violins, bassoon, timpani—yet when they come together they complement and enhance each other. By carefully following the composer’s score and following the conductor’s direction, the instruments make music that resonates in the marrow of the bones and surpasses anything one instrument could do alone.

I couldn’t help but think how much this is like life. Each of us is very unique and that uniqueness is important to our mission in life. If a timpani tried to play the part of a violin, the percussion of a piece would be ruined. It’s so easy to see in an orchestra, but in life too many of us are trying to be what our neighbor is instead of following our own music and being our own selves. We get jealous that the violins have more parts or that they carry the melody. We think that because we as timpani only come in once in awhile we aren’t as important and loved. But a symphony would be ruined without the timpani even though it isn’t the melody. It is still an integral part of the orchestra.

Some of us are also rebelling against the score. God is the composer and instead of following the “notes” he has written for us to obey, we want to do our own thing in our own way. Selfishly we try to make our own melody while ignoring the composer, the rest of the instruments, and the conductor (prophets and leaders). It is like a whole orchestra playing Rachmaninoff while one lone clarinet is playing jazz. It doesn’t work.

I could go on and on in the comparisons. My mind was swimming as I left the concert hall last night. But I’ll let you think of the rest. I also hope you’ll think about the music you’re playing and realize how important it is to the rest of us—especially when you are in harmony.


  1. it amazes me how you make such sense comparing these situations to real life! i wish i was better at that but then again that's you're whole point of this...i am grateful you can point it out for me! :)

  2. This is what I love about you, dear sister from another mother! This metaphor of the orchestra has sunk deep into my heart so many a year ago--but who could've unlocked this treasure as clearly and poetically as you?! I am so glad our paths have crossed here in mortality!

  3. Beautifully said. Thank you for this post, it's such a clear way to express this concept to our families.

  4. Very well written. I love these kinds of posts. Thanks for sharing your insights. :)

  5. This is great. I have been rereading a quote from an article in the latest LDS Living. Cori Connors said, "Things just fall out in small ways and sometimes bigger ways. If you set out to just do what feels right, then making a difference is a byproduct." I can relate this to your orchestra. If you go about playing the notes that feel right and playing the intrustment you have set out to play then you are making a difference. Timpani or Cello
