Thursday, January 7, 2010

Giveaway Time!

I thought I’d start 2010 out with a book give away. To win a copy of my latest book, Gospel Insights for Everyday Living, tell a friend about  Good News! And then leave a comment telling me who you told and how you told them. Be creative. You can put a post or link on your own blog about Good News! or you can simply tell a friend or even write an old fashioned letter to someone you know. (Does anyone remember how?) Or if you are too shy to tell anyone about Good News!, click on the button at the left to be a follower and then leave a comment saying you've done that. Whatever works for you!

Contest ends Monday, January 11th, at midnight. I’ll choose TWO winners by doing a random drawing from those who leave comments. If you already have a link on your blog to Good News!, or if you are already a follower, that counts! Just leave a comment telling me that.

I hope to hear from all of you because it really hurts if no one wants my book!!!

Good luck!


  1. i am following and actually post your posts on my blog frequently. thanks for sharing your messages with all of us!! have a great day...we are getting snow here in TN!! :)

  2. I'm a follower and post links to your blog almost everyday on my personal blog--and occasionally on my scripture blogs. :) I've even posted links on Facebook! :) Yay for Good News!! :)

  3. I'm a follower, too and LOVE your insights! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I'm already a follower, and I've already got a link on my blog to your site. I'd LOVE a copy of this book!

  5. I am a follower and I sent the invitation to 6 people who I thought would enjoy your blog also!

  6. I love your site. I love your insights and I try to apply them to my life. I often link your posts with my own insights onto my blog. plus- your "Good News" makes my day :)

  7. I love your blog and have shared it on my blog tonight! Can't wait to read your book!

  8. After finding your blog I blogged about it. I was inspired by your word resolution blog. My daughter loved the word resolution idea as well and she too has blogged about it........and so it goes!!

  9. O.K. Sherrie, To be truthful I don't want your new books, because I can purchase them on my own. Which I will be doing soon--since I didn't really even know that you had two new books out. (yes, I have been in a cave)
    But what I am interested in is your Man Woman and Diety, which from my understanding are no longer in print. Do you have any I can purchase from you? I want my children to learn from your insights, and I know I have my own copy, but I don't want to give it up. Hmmmmmmm do you have a book on how not to be a selfish Mother?;)

  10. Yikes! I really need to learn to proofread! Sorry! It hurt my ears to reread my comment--let me correct--"which TO my understanding IS no longer in print"

  11. Iris, I do have copies of Man, Woman, and Deity. The publisher let me reprint paperback copies after they went out of print. Just email me at and I can arrange for you to get some. I am so glad to be in contact with you again! You are a true kindred-spirit! xoxoxoxo

  12. This sounds like a very inspirational book for 2010. Thanks for the chance. I am a follower



  13. I follow your blog and told my mother and sister about it. We love it!

  14. I come here so often and have told others of how much insight you have that it would be foolish of me not to enter this giveaway. I have been meaning to get to a church bookstore ever since your last giveaway but have not had the opportunity. (I don't live in Utah)! My last creative way was to introduce the Telestial time concept to my sister and mom. I still have AHA moments when thinking about it.

  15. I have told my daughters and sisters and RS co-workers about you and your inspiring blog. According to this post it is permissible to share your blog address with them too. Cool. I shall. Thanks.

    And yes, please add my name to your drawing. I would love a copy of your book. Autographed, right?

  16. It was soooo good to see you on Saturday! I so appreciate the love and kindness you and Carl have always shown me. You really are my second parents!
    I emailed your blog address to a friend who is struggling with Anxiety. I hope your blog helps her as much as it has helped me!

  17. I would love a copy of your book! I was going to send smoke signals to all of Orem to let them know about your blog but today is a red air day! So, I told the sisters I visit teach and my sister instead.

  18. I'm always up for free books--especially yours! Thanks for sharing.

  19. I follow, and I've mentioned you a couple of times on my blog and will likely link in the future as you inspire lots of thoughts in me,

    Brennan Cartwright

  20. I would love a copy of your book. I told my sister about your blog. I email her your posts all the time. We love the "Living in Truth" principles!

  21. know I have been reading your blog the longest :)
    I am now officially a follower...I think you should just send the book to me!!!!!!!!!

  22. I love your blog and I read it every day. You brighten my life and inspire me with your insights and your amazing testimony and knowledge of the gospel. I would love a copy of your new book. Alice

  23. Hi, Mom, yes I would love a copy of your book!

  24. I would love a copy of your new book. I just have never been good at winning things. I think it would be better if I purchased a copy. How do I go about that?
    Thanks for your continued teaching, and sharing of your testimony and strength. We are grateful for people like you who help us enjoy the journey.

  25. LOVE your blog and would lOVE a book!

  26. You are such an inspiration to us all. I'm very interested in reading this book!

  27. Hey! Maybe I'll have a better chance at winning the drawing if not many have commented on it!! I love your daily thoughts! You're a wonderful writer and so knowledgeable about so many important things in life! I appreciate your insight. Love, Roma

  28. I would love a copy (especially an autographed one!!!!) Thanks for the drawing! kathy

  29. Your blog is so much fun to read that I am possitive your book will be wonderful. thank you! Mary (O:
    I have told my friends about your blog.(My sister already told all my relatives.) (O:
