Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Word Power

Several months ago my daughter (D1) was informed by her youngest son, five-year-old Luke, that the gathering her family had every Monday night was not called Family Home Evening, but Happy Family.

“Is it Happy Family tonight?” he asked and when she tried to correct him, Luke insisted that Happy Family was the real name. He has persisted in this ever since refusing to let anyone in the family call it anything but Happy Family. So the name has caught on and even the teenagers in the family are now calling it Happy Family.

The interesting thing, D1 reports, is what a difference it has made in their home. “It is so funny,” D1 told me, “but everyone’s attitude about Family Home Evening has changed. Everyone is excited about being part of Happy Family where before there were times of murmuring and reluctance. I don’t know how much is due to the name change and how much is Luke’s enthusiasm, but whatever it is, it is working! The whole family is eagerly looking forward to Happy Family each week. I love it!”

Like D1, I don’t know if the name change or the enthusiasm of a young brother has caused the change in attitude. Probably it is a combination of both. However, I do know that words have power and that what we call things and the words we choose to describe our lives influence those lives greatly.

I think I’ll remember this as I implement my word of the year. As part of my rejuvenation I’m going to think about what words I use daily. Do I have to clean the house or do I get to clean the house? It’s amazing what such a small change in words can do to lift spirits and alter the way you look at life!

(Picture is of Luke in the Hill Cumorah Pageant last July)


  1. I love all the comments that D1's children make!!! I often remind myself to use better language... Lately I have been saying I feel good (to the tune of the James Brown song) instead of I don't feel good etc.

  2. Connie, It works doesn't it! I understand I have you to thank for the word resolution. D1 said you are making bracelets with the words. How do you do it? I'd love to learn how.

  3. Thanks for this fun post. I also like President Kimball's Words of Encouragement and This Week's Affirmation. :)

  4. Words do make a big difference in how we look at each experience we are given. For me I prefer to call all of my life's challenges or burdens, "experiences." Who doesn't want to have an experience? I know when I use the word "experience" it just makes for a better day.

  5. I just read Mariah's most recent post. You and your daughters are so impressive to me. :)

  6. This post made me smile. I love "Happy Family". Luke got a DVD got Chirstmas and the first thing he said was "Can we watch this at Happy Family."

  7. Wendi, Thanks for reading and appreciating. You always make my day! Mariah's post brought a few tears to my eyes!

  8. SuSu, I like that experience thing. That's what it is!

  9. Laresa, Thanks for sharing your Happy Family story. I love it!!!

  10. I want to choose compassion. I want to listen more than I speak and care more about others than myself.

  11. ...for my word of the year that is, sorry it's posted in the wrong place!

  12. Children are just so inspired! I am going to try calling our scripture study time Happy Family!
