Friday, February 5, 2010

My Happy Birthday

Gray skies in Austin, TX, but lots of warm hearts. The grandkids woke me up singing “Happy Birthday.” We got in so late last night they were all asleep so there were lots of hugs and kisses and giggles this morning. Then D7 cooked me a wonderful breakfast of 7 grain cereal with bananas and every berry you can imagine. Wonderful start to my day!

My heart is brimming with gratitude. I have so much to be thankful for including the fact that I am alive for this birthday and both of my eyes work. Every day is a gift, but today is a very special gift for me!


  1. Happy Birthday, Sherrie!! I'm so thankful that you're alive and that both your eyes work too! Miracles and blessings are all around us, aren't they?! I'm thankful for my good family and friends too. They do make life wonderful. :)

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Sis. Johnson,
    I bought your book on Wednesday and I was at home today so all I've done all day is read your book and eat. I love it!! I hope your day has been as wonderful as mine.
    xxoo TeLene

  3. glad you had a wonderful day! happy birthday!! :)

  4. Wow, nothing better than grandkids to wake up to in the morning! That would be my birthday wish! But this year I'm grateful to have heard from all 11 of them!

  5. Have a wonderful day, Sherrie, and a wonderful visit with D7. :-) Love you!

  6. I didn't get on the computer much yesterday, so I'm late in wishing you a very happy birthday. Hope it was all you wanted it to be!
