Thursday, February 4, 2010

You Make My Days

Today I leave for Texas to visit D7. Sunday we will be there for the blessing of our 30th grandchild. I haven’t a clue how I got to this point in life—ten children, 31 grandchildren, a home with my own secret garden, and Grizelda. I vaguely remember being overwhelmed with children, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and millions of errands. All I know is that “It came to pass.”

I’m turning a year older tomorrow. My long hair is short. My blond hair is gray. My running feet now walk, and as my grandson Eli recently told me, “Nana, you need to get that cream I saw on television that takes away wrinkles. It really works.” But my spirit is still twenty-one and raring to go and do.

Looking back one of the greatest blessings of my life are friends. I love people. I love getting to know them and learning from them. I love sharing with them. I just love people. Mr. J and I have often commented that one of the things that has made our lives so good is that we have lots of different friends. We have rich friends and poor friends, old friends and young friends. (At one point in our lives we were socially active with three couples that were three generations of the same family—the grandparents, the parents, and one of their daughters and her husband.) We have extremely educated friends and friends who aren’t into education. We have musical friends and non-musical friends, friends who like the same things we do and friends who don’t like any of the same things we do. I’ve always felt sorry for people who only make friends with people like themselves or people they consider to be “in.” Oh what those people miss out on.

And I love you! (I hope you feel that!) Thanks for the comments you add and what you teach me. Thanks for making my birthday wonderful by adding your picture or silhouette as a Follower—even you lurkers who don’t like to comment thanks for stopping by. Just knowing someone has come to visit Good News! makes me happy. People—that’s what life is all about—and the more we reach out and connect with each other, the better life gets!


  1. Howdy, and Welcome to Texas!!
    Enjoy the blessing...what a wonderful event to bless #30.

    You are so adorable and I hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday.

    Much Love,

  2. So true! My best friends at my 7 sisters. Can't imagine where I'd be without them.

    We also have couple friends we love to hang out with - matter of fact, we are going on vacation with them next week. 4 adults, 7 kids, Disney cruise. What fun! It doesn't matter where we go, it's the company we keep that makes the difference. :)

  3. What a sweet post! Thank you for being you and always writing something that makes me want to be a better person.

  4. Happy Birthday and congrats on such a full life and appreciating those in your life and helping all of us to want to be better. I need to work on this one of letting people in. I have walls that I put to protect me but really they hurt me.

    Thanks for all your posts that inspire and uplift and make me think.

  5. {I follow your blog but I'm working out the problems with my picture!)

    I love reading blogs, and I'm happy I found yours to read! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. They uplift me and help me think positive thoughts. This post is so true, I'm 16 and I love having all kinds of friends. It makes life that much fuller!

  6. Happy Birthday Sherrie. What a good looking picture you included. I know they are all great people. Thank you also for your great thoughts and teachings. I love reading your blog.
    Brent S.

  7. Wishing you the best birthday!

  8. Happy B-day Sherrie! Have a wonderful time in Austin. You are a great friend. Roma

  9. Happy birthday Sherrie, may you have a blessed day. I'd love to see you while in Austin if you have any spare moments. Just tell Daniel to let me know when if the opportunity presents itself. I do so love reading this blog. It's always one of the highlights of my week. You are a blessing to all of us followers! Wendy

  10. I am not sure how my comments are showing up as anonymous, but oh well! I love the thought "It came to pass". I look back at all of the trauma of my divorce that is ongoing and has been going on for the past 4 1/2 years (still no trial date!) and then I look at my smiling, laughing children (there has been plenty of tears and 'breakdowns' also) and know that I am in the middle of "It came to pass" and the Lord has been with me through this and throughout my whole life!

  11. Happy birthday! I, like you, love my birthday too. It is the one day when I get to hear from all of my friends and family (and enjoy being spoiled a little bit, too)! Thanks for your blog. I tell my friends about it often!

  12. Great picture with wonderful friends, although I didn't recognize the lady at the far end. Is is Terry McKean? Anyway, I agree that the years do all run together and before you know it, we're grandparents. The thing that stands out is that you have a wonderful family and good friends that love and appreciate you for who you are. So much to celebrate. Have a wonderful birthday, you deserve a fabulous celebration. To top it off with the blessing of your grandchild is such a golden moment! Life is so rich, isn't it!!
    Cathie xoxoxo
