Friday, May 14, 2010

Another Book Giveaway!

Last time I had a book giveaway I was disappointed that not many people signed up. I wasn't sure if that was because you didn't want the book or you already had one. I hope it was the later! But if you have the book already, you can always use it for a gift. And remember, this is short, easy reading designed for busy people--women and men. (Yes, I do know that there are men who read this blog so don't be shy about entering the contest.)

With all that said, I'm going to give away two copies of Gospel Insights for Everyday Living. To enter just leave a comment here telling me you'd like a copy of the book. You don't even need to tell me for what reason you want the book and especially if you want to use it as a doorstop, please DON'T tell me!

The contest is open until Wednesday night at midnight. And please tell everyone you know about the book contest on Good News!


  1. I would love to win a copy of your book as well!

  2. You are so wonderful. I would love a copy of your book. Poor college student can't afford any books other than textbooks!

  3. Count me in. I'd love to win a copy!

  4. I would love a copy of your book to read! Thanks!

  5. Sherrie I would love a copy. And no, it WILL NOT be used as a doorstop - more like always on my kitchen bar so every time I sit down for a snack I have something uplifting to read. :)

  6. I won a copy last time and just want anyone reading these comments to know that this is an excellent book. I keep it in my scripture bag to have handy. I don't expect to win again, but if I do, it will make a great gift. I'm putting a link on my blog for the giveaway.

  7. I love this blog. I'd love your book. :)

  8. I would love to win a copy of your book.

  9. I just came from the Beverly Buzz and she mentioned you have a giveaway going. I would be honored to win.

  10. I'd certainly love to have your book!

  11. I'd love to be entered in the drawing! Thank you!

  12. I would love winning this book to give as a gift! It's such a great book!

  13. I love all of your wonderful insights! Pick me!

  14. I would love to have a copy of your book.

  15. I'd love a copy of your book, because I love everything you do. :-)

  16. I would love a copy of your book. I would love to share it with my family at our reunion this summer. You have a beautiful way of sharing Gospel Insights.

  17. I want it. I have given it away five times, but never kept one for myself.

  18. Have wanted it ever since my birthday, but haven't gotten around to buying it. Would LOVE to read it over the summer!!!

  19. I would love to have a copy of your book and I would love even more to read it.

  20. I would love one! I'm rereading another of yours now!

  21. I would love an actual copy of your book and so would my mom. I just have the copy that you sent me electronically when I wrote that review for you.

    P.S. I had a really happy day yesterday for the first time in a long while. I was so thankful! :)

  22. Feeling hopeful, feeling bold enough to enter! Go team poor college students! :)

  23. I would love a copy of your book!

  24. P.S. I changed the "button" on my side bar for your blog to this picture of your book, instead of that copyrighted picture of the Savior with children. Is that okay?

  25. I want your book! Patrea said I needed it, but I have been to lazy to actually do something about getting it.

  26. Thank you for giving away another book. I would love to win! Alice

  27. Sherrie, I would love another one of your books to add to the others I already have. Charlene

  28. I so enjoyed your presentation at Women's Conference. I could have listened to you much longer. I would love to have your book!

  29. your book is on my to read list so I would love to have a copy!

  30. In need of some good insights. Would be honored if you picked me.

  31. Please give me a copy if your book! I need your wisdom!

  32. i would love to have a copy of your book! I just haven't been to Nephi's books or gone online shopping :) Winning it would be more fun
