Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Truth Tool: Revision

I walked in the rain this morning and loved every last pitter-patter. It wasn’t much of a shower, just an occasional kiss of rain but I love having my cheeks rain kissed so it was fun.

One of the most effective Truth Tools is Revision and a few weeks ago I found on a friend’s blog one of the best examples of Revision that I’ve seen in a long time. I asked Beverly if I could share a link to her post with you, and she said I could. So here it is. She opens her heart and lets us all in; so brave of her, and so very, very helpful to all of us. Thank you, Beverly. You are wonderful!

Revising our old negative stories is powerful and makes such a difference in our lives. Rewriting the negative stories from our past can change family relationships, can relieve hurt, and can give you a new, healthier way to look at life. Read what Beverly has to say and then let me know what you think.


  1. I appreciated the open and honest communication that came just before and after the revision of her thoughts and beliefs. I've learned that talking openly with the people in my life help to re-shape my thoughts and feelings in a more positive light as well. :)

  2. I was greatly benefitted by this reminder and example of revision. I was also benefitted by Wendi's comment about "talking openly with the people in my life." It is almost like I have excluded their side of the story in the past in order to supposedly prevent pain, when perhaps I am really excluding their side of the story in order to preserve my painful story. However, like Wendi, I am able to re-shape when there is more truth in my life (which truth comes from another side of the story also).

  3. I went and looked at Beverly's blog and liked it very much. One thing I wanted to add, though, is there are some situations that no matter how you write and rewrite you story, you can't make it a positive thing. Or change it by changing your point of view or attitude. This happens in some relationships, especially close friends or family. I think we can spend a lot of painful time trying to fix or repair a negative situation. In those situations, I think it becomes important to remind ourselves that maybe the person may be honestly doing the best they can, regardless of the negative impact or pain it causes us. Sometimes family members or close friends simply do not have the skills or capability to interact with you the way you wish they could. A parent who continually favors one child, while ignoring another, a sibling that thoughtlessly criticizes or makes fun of other siblings, or a friend who is insensitive, while proclaiming their friendship may be painful to be around. But I do think reminding ourselves that they are doing the best they are able, and that it doesn't make us less valuable, can help us let go of the pain and better learn to accept and appreciate people for who they are. I think learning to forgive and accept flaws in those relationships can make it possible to make a negative relationship more positive, therefore, much less painful.
