Thursday, June 30, 2011

"17 Miracles"

Thanks you for all the kind remarks yesterday.
I really had gotten to the point of thinking no one was out there.
Your response startled and encouraged me.
Thank you!

I usually don't promote things on Good News!, but I'm going to today. D4 is in town for a visit and so D5 and her family joined us and we all went to see the movie 17 Miracles. The cinematography was beautiful and the story is about the true account of the Willey handcart company. I learned a lot that I hadn't understood before but most of all I came away determined never to take for granted my heritage and the price people paid so that I could live comfortably as a Mormon in this valley.

While none of my ancestors were part of the Willey or Martin companies, every line in my family goes back at least five generations in the Church and one line goes back six. Mr. J is also a fifth or sixth generation Mormon and one of his ancestors, Luke S. Johnson, was called as one of the first apostles in this dispensation by Joesph Smith. I don't know all that my own ancestors suffered in their treks across the plains, but I'm sure there were similar trials. Ever since I saw the movie I can't quit thinking about the suffering, the miracles, and the faithful people that are my heritage.

Go see "17 Miracles"!


  1. I just discovered your blog (late to the party for sure!), and have read just a few of your recent posts. Thank you for taking your time to share these insights. I will enjoy visiting here again.

  2. thanks for letting us know about thsi movie. i will check it out. :) have a great 4th of july weekend!!

  3. I just saw this movie two days ago and loved it! I would recommend it to anyone. Don't quit writing. There are days you write and that's exactly what I needed for the day.

    Keep it up.

  4. I LOVED the movie, too. Worth the price of a movie ticket these days, even. (Don't wait til it comes out at the dollar movie...) And I love your column, too, although I would understand if you couldn't write every day. Your insights are invaluable and have really made a difference in the way I think about things. My friend (who introduced me to your blog) and I often talk about "Living in Truth". Love that thought!

  5. We saw it last Monday night. It was so powerful and so emotional and it reminded me of how blessed I am. It was really neat how everyone in the theater (it was full) stayed for the credits and filed out so reverently.
