Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 1,000th Post!

Today is my 1,000th post on Good News! D7 started this blog as a surprise for me on September 19, 2007. I added things periodically for awhile after she presented me with the blog and then one day one of my students told me he checked Good News! everyday and tat I needed to post something daily. So I did. Then Grizelda came along and I began posting about my battle with her.
After that the gratitude for the Good News! that was mine compelled me to keep posting. I have been so blessed that I wanted to shout the Good News! to everyone and anyone who would listen. Miracles happen! Jesus Christ lives and is real and He helps us.
I'm not sure many people stop by anymore except to view the images I've found, but the few of you who do read and comment are greatly appreciated. It takes a lot of time to write a daily blog, so I've often contemplated not doing it anymore but at the same time I know that it helps me to remember and to feel gratitude for the Savior and all He has done for me. It was a major source of joy and celebration during Christmas and Easter for me and helped me to remember that Jesus Christ is the Good News! I love and rejoice in His gospel, The Good News.
I don't know how much longer I'll keep Good News! up as a daily blog, but thank you so much to all of you who have prayed for me through Griselda and who have added your comments and ideas. Thanks for the loving kindness and for dropping by. I love you all.


  1. Happy 1,000th post! I've appreciated the insights you've shared with us over the years. You have uplifted me and inspired me over and over again. Thanks for reminding us of the Good News! :)

  2. Congratulations, Sherrie. Your blog is wonderful and you have helped and inspired so many people. I know it takes many hours of work, discipline and inspiration to write daily on a blog, so I am happy to hear that it helps you, too. However often you decide to write in the future, just know we appreciate all your efforts and inspiring posts. Thank you so much,

  3. I appreciate the time and effort you make for the daily blog. It has helped me get through was bad days. Thank you so much. I hope that you would at least consider doing it once a week. And you need to do a book on the Truth Tools.

  4. Oh don’t stop. I enjoy your blog so much and read it most every day. I love the goodness of your Good News. I myself write on my blog ( daily. It didn’t start out that way then I challenged myself to be a daily blogger. Although I dreamed of a following of major proportion I soon realized my blog is for me more than anyone else. It has been a fun creative outlet from a busy 10 hour work day (I’m a commuter). After my year challenge is up I may count back to a five day blog week, who knows. Anyway, my point is people do read your blog so don’t base your readership on comments. You are doing a good thing and I for one would be sad to see you go.

  5. Hurray for 1,000! I read your blog through Google Reader and I don't get around to posting comments very often with all my tots around. But I enjoy reading your insights. Keep a goin'!

  6. I love your blog! Your inspiration will be appreciated whether you give it daily, weekly or monthly :)

  7. I read your blog but I have never posted a comment. I would think there are alot of people like me that love your blog and are inspired by your messages. Thank you for your time & effort. You're amazing!

  8. I read your blog daily and catch up when I do get behind. I attended one of your classes, appreciated the truth there, and appreciate your perspective daily on gospel topics. I am a single, divorced mother, and your blog meets one of my needs to feel like I am having spiritual conversations with someone. I read my scriptures daily and have daily family scripture study, but your blog meets an additional need. Thank you for your time, thoughts and efforts.

  9. I've also been a lurker, (I've never left a comment), and I just wanted to second everyone else who has shared how much they appreciate your wisdom and insight that you share via this blog. I've become a better person by reading about your challenges and how you've overcome them..... it gives me courage to face my own - you're amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! Please don't stop entirely, but I understand if you need to cut back a little bit. :)

  10. Congratulations!!! I LOVE your blog! Your daily posts...particularly about Living in Truth...have been such a lifeline for me! I have learned SO MUCH from Good News! that has helped me make it through the events of the past couple of years, which have been really tough! You have a way of wording things that really "turns the light on" for me. Almost every day I think about what I've learned about unnecessary pain, and how I've now got so many practical, REAL things I can do to avoid it.
    Thank you for sharing those things with me...and so many others!
    It is making a HUGE difference in my life.

  11. Congratulations! I periodically read your blog---one of your daughters is my friend. Thanks and I'm happy for your speedy recovery (miracle) from Grizelda.

  12. I'd be sad if you quit posting regularly. Keep up the good work!

  13. i've been a slacker on reading blogs and commenting since my 4th baby was born but i do appreciate the time you take to write such simple, yet profound thoughts. you always have great real life examples that put things into persepctive for me. i understand having to cut back, as i've had to do that myself, just don't go away completely! in case you can't tell, or we don't take the time to tell you enough, WE LOVE YOU!!! :)

  14. Sherrie, I read your blog every day! I can't tell you how many times the things you have written have been just what I needed to read! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

  15. I love your blog. Yours is the only one I read consistently. Your insights have helped me so much. Right now I am in the middle of some strong relationship wows with my son and daughter-in-law. As I was contemplating the right way to handle things, "truth tools" came to mind. Thank you for all you teach me! I will use the truth tools in this situation and I will be okay. And they will be okay and hopefully the relationships stay in tact.
