Thursday, December 29, 2011

I'm Anchored

I’ve finally decided on my “Word of the Year.” One of the most empowering parts of Living in Truth is to live in the present moment, and I want to get better at doing that. I’ve been trying, but with so many years of Pit of Illusion type habits to overcome I’ve made slow progress. So my Word of the Year is anchor—the verb anchor. I am going to concentrate on experiencing every single moment. I’m going to anchor myself to the present and not let myself carry around baggage from the past or worry about the future. I’m going to take what comes and love it.

Every moment of life offers something wonderful, but I’ve missed so much of it because I haven't been present. Not anymore! I’m going to create (even though I’m not very artistic) some clever signs to remind myself and put them where I can see them often. I’m going to start my day by anchoring to the morning, end my day by anchoring to the evening, and anchor myself to everything in between.

I’m going to start 2012 anchored to the present and I’m going to stay there. After all, the present moment is the only one I have any control over.


  1. I'll make you a sign that you can print. :)

    Just let me know what info you'd like on it. wording... scripture/quote/color.

    I'd love to do it. I won a book from you once (and loved it!)... so I'll give back. Fun!

  2. great idea. I was thinking of focusing on the idea of seeking for good things. I think when you're seeking for the good things around you, you really are anchored in reality.

    Where did you get these ideas about truth tools and such?

    I'm reading a book called "emotional literacy, to be a different kind of smart" and many of the things in there mirror what you have been teaching here.

  3. Love that word. Great choice! Thank you for a great year of inspiration. I'm looking forward to all of next year's too! Remember even when people don't comment we are listening and pondering. There is a women in my office who reads you most everyday. She is not a member of the church but does appreciate so much your wisdom! Thank you!

  4. Sherrie, I LOVE that word. It makes so much sense to me that it just might be my word, also!
    I love visual images that remind me of important truths, so I would love to see any images you want to share. I may even create some of my own.

  5. Heather, Thank you so much! I would love that. As to color, I love a plum or purple. And you know the word, Anchor. Everything else, just surprise me. Thanks again!

  6. Becky, I got what I've learned mainly from the scriptures, but then I saw it all over. It is founded in what therapist call "cognitive therapy." You can also see a lot of Zen in it. It has really made me realize that there is a lot of truth in a lot of places. As we are taught "Seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom: seek learning, even by study and also by faith." D&C 88:118.
    Thanks for stopping by so often!!!

  7. SuSu, Thanks so much for the encouraging words. And thanks for visiting! I love visitors. Have a great 2012!

  8. Martha, It was so great to meet you this year! And thanks for the kind comment. I do like Anchor, and would love to see any signs you make. When Heather (see above comment) sends me her sign I'll share it with everyone.

  9. I have thought about this all week and I think my word for the year is going to be "Persistent". This word has so many meanings to me. Now to go post it all over the place.

  10. I love the word anchor! last year (well i guess still this year) my word was enjoy.. but had very similar meaning. Just to enjoy everything in the moment and not worry about what the future holds.. We had a CRAZY year- especially in the beginning- and that word had such a power to help keep me grounded... thanks for this idea. it has helped me a lot over the last 2 years- but especially this year.

    now i need to think of one for this next year...

  11. Anchor is a great word. Your Living in Truth skills do remind me a lot of cognitive therapy. I've thought that quite often, actually, as I've been trying to apply them. I have a difficult time being decisive, so my word of the year is going to be "decide".

  12. I have been following your blog for quite sometime. You seem to give me a daily lift, especially when its needed. Over the past few I have done a word of the year. Other years full of success others not so successful.

    For 2012 I am going to DREAM BIG! YEP! That's my word of the year. Now it's my year to DREAM BIG!
