Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank You!

I’ve been at my computer all day for the last two days working on the finishing touches of my book Living in Truth and Avoiding the Pit of Illusion. I hope to send it off to the editor next week. Wish me luck.

As I’ve been rewriting and polishing the manuscript, I’ve been reminded of how much all of you have helped me. Many of the stories come from readers of Good News! and the stories are what make the book.

Stories are so much more powerful than lecture! I think that’s why the Savior taught in parables. The parables capture our attention, teach deep in the heart not just in the mind, and they are easy to remember. So many thanks to all of you who have emailed me your experiences with Living in Truth. Now just pray that the book gets published!


  1. congrats on finishing your new book. can't wait to read it :)

  2. I would recommend your future book to everyone!

  3. ok- have to share this with you. instead of resolutions- write down miracles you want to have happen- the totally impossible ones!

    read about it here!
