I’ve received a lot of questions about the short-term memory loss the doctor told me to expect. The main question is how I can keep writing. Yes, I am experiencing short-term memory loss—but not as much as was expected. It is very strange. I think of something to ask the person I’m talking to and by the time they quit talking, I can’t remember the question. I do get up to do something and can’t remember what I am doing. I have to write down when I take my pills because there is no way I can remember that fact.
BUT. . . writing is recording the thought the moment it occurs so it is like writing down where I am going when I think of it so I can execute the instruction after I’ve forgotten the intent. I also have the help of spell checker because I often come to a word and can’t spell it. (But amazingly my fingers can type it even though I can’t tell you how to spell it until I see it!) It is all very perplexing, but I am so thankful I can still write. I’m also constantly amazed at what these bodies are capable of doing!
Today I visited the ophthalmologist (thank goodness for spell checker!) and when he saw I was reading he shook his head and said, “You are a miracle! At the beginning of this, if I had to bet my home on you being able to read at this point, I would have bet against you.”
My hair is prickly. The swelling is almost gone. The black eye went away quickly. The only problem now is that all this sleeping sitting up has caused major pain in my sciatic nerve that shoots all the way done my right leg. Ouch! But I’m not complaining. Come what may, and love it!! The pain means I’m still alive and feeling it!!! You’ve got to love that.